And welcome to the first ever MARGOT & LAYLA MUST DIE! post.
While Margot and Layla are our two titled leads, the third lead is Daphne.
And because I am very clever (ha!) I have figured out a way for you guys to choose our Daphne’s last name. And that name (and these cards) WILL play into the story directly later.
So choose wisely.
I don’t want to give you guys too much more information — but you all know me well enough to know that most things mean things. Colors mean things, animals mean things, words mean things, symbols mean things. ;D
So again…choose wisely for our girl. It will literally change who she is and where she goes/what she does. oooooh.
And if you’re confused about what this is, you can read more about it here:
What's Next!
I’ll let you know the results of this poll early next week and our next world building vote. Getting excited!
Drache!! In the Marvel manner of characters first and last names starting with the same letter.
I went Drache because that’s my favorite card.