Today is finally the big day we’ve been pushing toward as we’re announcing a slate of new projects launching in the next year (some of them very very soon!) on this stack and also finally unpausing the subscriptions so we can bring tons of you readers into the inner circle along with those already here. So let’s get into it!

That’s right, because you demanded it, we’re doing a Volume 2!
Meredith and I are already hard at work on Volume 2 — a five-issue arc — that is planned to begin with BLACK CLOAK #7 in February 2024.
The ending to Volume 1 was, suffice to say… dramatic. So you’re gonna want to see what’s next for Essex, and Pax, and the city of Kiros, right? Well it will all be happening here — and you’ll have a front row seat. A lot more on this soon as I’m already in love with Meredith’s first cover for the new arc. <3
Earlier in the year I teased the idea of an experimental “YOU DECIDE” Prose Project that I write in concert with you guys — essentially me posting chapters here and paid subscribers being given the option to VOTE at the end of each chapter on where the story should go next.
M&LMD is an all-new project* — not connected to anything I have written before. I have already built the world and characters, and plotted a rough outline to follow, but obviously I cannot build too far out, as at the end of each chapter paid subscribers will vote on where we go next.
Because this is an experimental project written somewhat “in real time” with the help of the audience — it’s not going to be going through painstaking rounds of editing and proofing to make it perfect. It’s going to be a bit rough around the edges — aiming for speed and impact — rather than perfection. It WILL have typos (and such) and if that’s not your thing, that’s okay, but I think letting it be the thing that it is and in fact embracing the raw, organic, and frenzied nature in which it’s created — could create something really interesting and be super fun to play with for all of us — but being too precious about it will sink us (I say this as much for me as for you). And if it IS a big success, we’ll have the option to edit/proof the final product and maybe we’ll do a cool printed volume down the line? It’s all going to depend on me and you… working together to make the coolest thing we can. I’m honestly very excited about it.
So when does this start?
It starts FRIDAY.
That’s right, Friday 8/18/23 will be the FIRST of the Margot & Layla Must Die posts — it will NOT be the opening chapter — but it WILL be paid subscibers first chance to MAKE A DECISION.
Dun dun DUNNNNN!
And the first Chapter will follow in the next week-ish. My hope is that we can pull off new chapters every other Friday — giving people a few days to read and vote before I start on that new chapter for the next week — but we’re going to have to see how it works — and not just for my work flow — but for yours too. My instinct is we can manage two chapters a month, but I’m trying to keep everything very open and flexible so that we can learn on the go.
Again, it’s an experiment. If I had to guess — both my and your expectations will be upended by the experience — but hopefully in mostly interesting/positive ways!
Regardless, as always I appreciate you guys taking a chance on me and supporting my work. I cannot wait for you guys to meet Margot and Layla. And of course Daphne.

The only reason the incredibly exciting THE CULL isn’t leading this announcment is because some of you that I hope will continue supporting this Substack have already helped pay for this by being OG backers.**
BUT. It’s worth noting again that this INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS 5-issue mini-series — that everyone is about to be talking about — and brought to life thanks to readers like you — will be available on this Substack for all old AND new paid subscribers — starting LITERALLY TOMORROW. Yay!!!!

That’s right — because you demanded it — X-MEN: WAR is back and this time it’s angry — nah, this time it’s still fun and we’re calling it 2.0 because I added NEW CARDS. LOL.
Basically I took my beat up old cards — and did a super rough job of using fun art from great superhero artists to make some new cards to shake up our match ups. I did a dozen new cards that I will deploy a few at a time into our new match ups. CHAOS REIGNS!
Again, only paid subscribers can vote in these matches (and have access to the comments section). You can read more about the concept for our X-Men War bouts and see some match ups here if you think it sounds fun (it is!)
And since the last dregs of summer is when X-Men War began, so shall it continue — first match up next week!

For all paid backers — A WEBSTORE Promo Code — issued at least once a month for Subscribers only — discounts up to $10 off. Cannot be combined with other promo codes.
Once a month “Monthly Giveaway Package” where I pull together a special package for one lucky reader once a month — similar to the image above — the packages will vary but it will include (at minimum): One (1) signed comic book and a small sketch. All YEARLY paid subscribers — including international backers — are eligible for the giveaway once a month.
We also have ONE very special giveaway for an extremely rare limited edition signed/numbered THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE KING package. The drawing for this will be THIS MONTH (August 2023) — and only YEARLY backers are eligible.****
Paid subscribers of course also get access the comment section and any voting (which will be especially key for the MARGOT & LAYLA MUST DIE! “You Decide” prose project and X-Men War 2.0).
But you also have access to the entirety of the 1979 Semi-Finalist Substack “Back Catalog” which includes the entirety of BLACK CLOAK VOL 1 (184 gorgeous pages of story!), the 5-4-3-2-1 short gun violence comic by David Lafuente and myself, and tons of Process Junkie posts, interviews, games, sneak peeks, behind the scenes stuff, and lots more!
If you have questions — throw them up in the comments — or send me an email if you need a more private venue. There’s also a handy FAQ which might help.
As always, I am incredibly indebted to you for your time and attention. I could not have made BLACK CLOAK or THE CULL (among other things) without your support and encouragement — and I think it’s some of the best work I’ve ever done. Especially as Social Media has been collapsing around us I have been painfully aware and grateful that we built this when we did and that it continues to exist sort of beautifully outside of all of that mess.
Thank you. <3
Oh man, i better look through the posts from last year’s x-men war as a refresher course (sorry Kylun. Someday i will remember your power set). Still firmly on the side of Team Luck. C’mon probability manipulators!
Not gonna lie, the title of the choose your own adventure story definitely takes the pressure off voting then second guessing my voting.
This is all very exciting. Looking forward to all of it.