The Summer of George was supposed to be his summer of sweatpants and freedom — I don’t know that I was hoping for anything THAT bold, but I was definitely not hoping for 4 visits to the doctor’s office (I am very bad at going to the doctor!) and 2 visits to the DMV (nobody likes this!) over my summer. Plus I am still writing (finishing!?!) the pitches that I previously mentioned! This has NOT been The Summer of George, or even The Summer of Kelly, this has been The Summer of Unending Pitches and Doctor Visits with Bonus DMV Content and Heatwaves!
Gross. Unsubscribe plz.
That said I AM proud of myself for getting these stupid things done and only complaining about it like a little bitch constantly.
Yeah., You read that right. The bar is low, guys.
Anyway, come with me now for a quick little news post with bonus “your favorite covers from last time” content!
Some of you may have seen the news last week that I’m writing some X-Men again…sorta! Aka some of them will be guest starring in our next big CAPTAIN MARVEL arc that begins in November. I can’t say (yet!) who these X-Men are exactly…but if you know me (and I think you do) you can make some decent guesses who I might reach for. ;D
The new arc begins in NOVEMBER with CAPTAIN MARVEL #43 and here is the main cover by our cover artist for this arc — Juan Frigeri!
And a super fun variant cover by our interiors artist on this arc Sergio Davila:
One thing I CAN say, is that despite the lovely Wolverine appearance on Sergio’s cover, Logan will NOT be appearing in the arc. We tried, but other things going on prevented it. It happens! But as great as Logan always is, I promise you will not miss him — we are packed to the gills with cool and terrifying and fun in this one.
Before I go…let’s look at all those covers you guys picked, because you had some great ones. For those who missed it, we debuted the first look at our cover for THE CULL #1 last week — and I asked people to weigh in on their favorite covers of ALL TIME.
And before I show off MY favorite cover, let’s just drop these horrifiying links in case you guys missed them on twitter today:
Despite my apparent Bat-loving limits — my favorite cover is BATGIRL #45 by James Jean:
Though in an ideal world I obviously want the “wizard fan winner” icon removed (and the barcode too, let’s be real). But I love this highly stylized take. James Jean had an incredible run in the early 2000s between his BATGIRL and FABLES covers. In fact, I did 100 best covers years ago (more than a dozen years ago!) when I ran a blog (is this a blog? I… do not know) I think James Jean took up 6 or 7 freaking slots.
I love the high design of this. I love seeing Cass in the old-school Batgirl look right on down to the impractical heels. And I love the unconventional color choices that just make it pop so huge when sitting next to other books on a rack.
So what did you guys choose? A lot of really great stuff! I’m going to do them alphabetically because…well, it’s easy:
From Dean — ACTION COMICS #419 — by Neal Adams:
From Rob — AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #70 — by John Romita Jr.:
From Luke — AMERICA #1 — by Jamie McKelvie:
From Kamose — CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 — by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby:
From Badguise — DAREDEVIL #228 — by David Mazzucchelli:
From Mike — DEADPOOL #4 — by Tony Moore:
From Charles — LIFE OF CAPTAIN MARVEL #4 — by Jen Bartel:
From David — NEW MUTANTS #1 — by Javier Garron:
From Brent — RED SONJA 3 — by Julian Totino Tedesco:
From Chuck — SANDMAN #1 — by Dave McKean:
From Damon — SCARLET WITCH 10 — by David Aja:
From Bill — THE NEW MUTANTS #21 — by Bill Sienkiewicz:
From Lordo — UNCANNY X-MEN #195 — by Bill Sienkiewicz:
From Ryan — UNCANNY X-MEN #350 — by Joe Madureira:
From Andrew — UNWRITTEN #1 — by Yuko Shimizu:
From Jon — X-MEN #1 — by Russell Dauterman:
From Jackie — X-MEN #24 — by Andy Kubert:
All right. That’s it for today. More soon! Lots more! ;D
Be good and kind when you can. Including to yourself. <3
Wow! So many fantastic covers here. Especially that Captain Marvel #43. Somebody on the Twitter noted that Kelly is rapidly approaching 50 issues of this Captain Marvel run, and how rare and wonderful that is. I know that someday this run will end (and I will follow Kelly wherever she goes) but this lovely melding of My Favorite Character and My Favorite Comic Writer has been a genuine thrill.
Really sorry your summer has been such a drag, hope it improves v soon 🙏 that gallery of covers though! That's a stunning collection of beauties right there! 😍 keep bringing that fabulous Danvers action, it is my favourite and first read every time a new issue appears - take care (think that variant cover kind of blows a few secrets 😀)