House 6. It has a couple of faves (Caroland Jess)n it doesn’t feature anyone I feel like would become unbearable or attempt to torture me for entertain. Clint could become a little much at times. But I feel like Jess would take joy in “rescuing” me.(Bugging Clint even worse) n I can definitely see me killing some hours paint jamming to Dazzler’smusic

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Ahhh I'm so glad you brought these back!! They're definitely a lot of fun. Now as much fun as some of these chaos houses would be I probably would go with house 2 tbh, just to stay sane in the long run haha

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Marvel house for sure. You know there would be a Dazzler-lead house band. Fuse has definitely dabbled in some sort of musical instrument. Jess could pick up anything in no time. something something spider senses. Everyone was surprised when Armor turned out to be a thrash metal guitarist, Carol a bassist (she picked it up while on space patrol and jammed with Lila Cheney to pass the time), and Clint a drummer. Chewie does harmony mrows and hisses as backup vocals. Who knew she had that skill? Flerkens are weird amiright?

Also, card games, archery, airplane maintenance (Carol's Cessna), and some form of surfing.

This was fun. Thanks Kelly.

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I think, yeah, I thiiiiink I'll go with house one. There're definitely some not great roommates on that list, but even if Wolverine isn't affable the place is going to be stocked for beer and if Emma Frost is living there it's a reaaaally nice place I've gotta imagine. Is Deadpool going to take his turn on dishes? Probably not, but it's not my least favorite job so I can just put up with that for the amenities above & don't have to worry too much about him assassinating me because I hassled him one too many times about the chore chart.

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The second I saw house 4, it had to be that one. Maybe it’s my Kate Bishop bias. Maybe Lucky sold me. Maybe it’s the fact that everyone in it is awesome, I don’t know.

If I had to make my own, based on comics I own.. but sticking with some of the ground set rules..

Kate Bishop, Scarlet switch, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Daredevil (Matt Murdock’s), Moonknight and Bats the Ghost Dog!

Have a great holiday Kelly!

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Oh I’m so happy these are back!!! I’ll sit in it, and I’ll return with my call. It’ll be different than last year, that’s for sure lol

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I love the quarantine houses! I had totally forgot about them. Great to see them back!

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Thanks, Chuck! I really went back and forth on whether it was "worthy" content of the site, since I'd posted before on twitter (without the commentary) but it ended up being one of my favorite posts yet! Just pure fun, y'know.

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Ok so I had a night to let it simmer… and though the first time we did this I went with Asgard house for the nonstop fun, this time I’m going to Hulk house. I think the fun can still be had with some drinking games with Logan, and some down right buffoonery with DP- but I’ll also have Jeff to play with, and Rogue too Google over… well hell Jen and Emma too! (Shh don’t tell the wife!!)

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House 8. Cause I always wanted to hang out with Ms. Marvel (we can write fanfics together) and Gwenpool. Lauri-ell is just adorable and I want to party with her. Plus they have a cat!

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This is an impossible choice! But I think I have to stick with House 3 Asgardian House, because of the entertainment value alone. First off, Tom Taylor convinced me that Thor and Gambit is the mash up duo I never knew I always needed in X-Men: Red. Then throw in the over seriousness of Bishop and the generally unimpressed America and takes no crap Jessica and we are in for one wild poker game, especially when Jess decides Remy is definitely cheating. So if the whole place doesn't end up exploded, we got great food and wild conversations and drinks and cute cats. It's a party for days until they are all hung over, and then it's just quietly grumpy. Which really is where most of us are at anyway, right? 😉

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Marvel House, no hesitation. Clint's attitude would be shutdown in minutes and dim Jess's fuse in hours. And Chewie is the best cat-alien EVER. (OK, America House has a lot of my heart, too.)

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As amazing as having Elsa AND Natasha as roommates would be I think I’d have to go with House Marvel. Especially since it might be the most likely house to still be standing by next summer

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So I guess I’m the only person so far who would do Asgard House? Poker games, Asgardian drinks, plus good tunes? Sign me up

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Hi, all! Remember this post from two weeks ago? Well, I'm finally commenting on it! Just to help you get back into that mindset, here are some other thoughts from December 23, 2021. "Oh, boy! I hope Santa brings me the N95 mask I've had my eye on!" And, "I can't wait for January 1, 2022 to roll around and magically solve the myriad problems facing me, the USA, and the entire world. Thanks in advance, January 1, 2022!"

OK, that said, my very belated choice is House 4: America House. There were some other choices I briefly considered but Spidey is my all-time favorite character and Steve, Ororo, and Kate are way, way up there for me, as well. Bobby and Maya are cool (Bobby's so cool, he's cold) and Lucky is a Very Good Boy. I like the way Kelly described it: living with these folks would be a funny, good, peaceful time.

There. Wasn't that worth the wait? (Also, I very much enjoyed reading everyone else's takes on where they'd choose to ride out the quarantine. Good stuff, fellow Thompsonites! And Happy New Year!)

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