Jun 3, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

So excited to see what’s coming up. Speaking of Ryan Gosling, this guy needs more comedy. Look up Papyrus Ryan Gosling on YouTube. It lives on my head rent free since it’s debut and I see Papyrus everywhere.

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I've seen that video you speak of and it is GLORIOUS.

(fucking papyrus)

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

Storykiller CYOA?! Oh man ... could be dangerous giving us that kind of power. 😂 So we should definitely do it!

Really excited for the big secret announcement! 👀

Captain Marvel #50 is gonna be so bittersweet! What an amazing run. ♥️

Hmmm ... will need to research more Gosling movies. For science, of course. 😜

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I am WELL AWARE! lol

Oh, I wish I had to also sacrifice for science. Alas!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

Sorry, I'm blinded by the Captain Marvel Omnibus.

Not only has your storytelling for this journey been stuff I'll treasure forever, but—watching the video flip through the book—the art (all disciplines) you've had supporting it, book after book, has been so exquisite. There wasn't a subpar issue on any front this whole run.

My heart explodes into the stuff of stars. :)

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Yeah, it's really gorgeous.

I was pretty impressed.

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I’ll never say no to more Storykiller! (In literally any form!)

I don’t think I have a favorite Gosling movie... but I do like him! Also, the wife and I are already spearheading a pretty massive opening day watch party... so that’s exciting as fuck!

Thanks for the updates! I’m avoiding thinking too much about Carol... because I’m really going to miss the hell out of that book.

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Well that's good, because you're MAYBE about to be up to your elbows in Storykiller!

That will be amazing (the watch party) - have fun!

(and thank you) <3

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

So many things in this post!

I don’t want to wait an extra week for #50, but 6/14 is my birthday, so I’ll allow it. 😀

You are getting mass respect from others talking about your Carol run, as it should be.

That GQ article was epic good, I quoted it on FB. What an amazing guy, that Gosling.

Really impressed me with La La Land too.

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And thank you, yes, everyone is being very nice and I like it. lol

I actually haven't seen La La Land, but I like him so much I suspect he'll win me over even when I don't want him to. ;D

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

I think they say “charming” about four times in GQ, and he is that.

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lol. It's hard to fight it! it's his natural state!

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

Storykiller CYOA sounds awesome! Looking forward to that if it all works out.

Excited (and sad) to read Captain Marvel 50, on June 14th possibly? I’ve been saving the last few so I can read them all together.

I love seeing stars in roles before they became famous so I’m going to go with “Remember the Titans” for my Ryan Gosling pick. Remember? He was the slow DB (#48) who gave up his spot to Petey in the big game!

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Thanks! I'm pretty excited about what's being discussed. Fingers crossed.

Oh, you're gonna have QUITE the emotional journey then, Dan. I hope it lands for you!

That's a good one! I think the first thing I saw him in was...The Believer but I think that was a year before or after RTT.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

choose your own adventure? that sounds pretty awesome to me. Just going to warn everyone, my choices in those were usually terrible and I died super quick, all the time. In multiple books! Anyway, that still sounds pretty cool.

Somehow, I've managed to miss almost all of Ryan Gosling's movies which makes me terrible at Framed. I have no idea how or why either. Like you said, seems like a good guy and his movies always look interesting. I've just manage to miss them. I did see Blade Runner and I liked it, but mostly it sticks out in my head because we saw it at a theater that does dinner as well and, like a dummy, I ordered tacos. Yeah, they came with corn chips and I spent most of the movie trying to crunch my way through them during the very short scenes with any kind of music or noises. Also, this is a good example of why I'm bad at choose your own adventures. haha

So, I guess my movies of his are:

1. Gray Man

2. Blade Runner (2nd mostly because of the anxiety)

Thanks for all the Carol news Kelly. #49 was great and I'm looking forward to #50! Glad<spoilers> and Carol got to a good place at the end.

Also, that Black Cloak panel looks fantastic. Amazing work from Meredith.

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We can probably design some kind of anti-Mike G situation for the voting? jk, your vote counts, and we'll make it work!

These are fine Gosling choices. Keep watching!

I liked but did not love Gray Man, but I loved everything Gosling did in it!

It's definitely a learned skill -- what to order in movies with food. ;D

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lol. that would hilarious and probably a good idea. I mean, Substack wasn't even letting me vote the first time for whatever reason. It's happening already! I did manage to vote with the app though, second time's the charm I guess.

Agreed on Grey Man. I do love some super spy/cold war thrillers so that bumped it up in the rankings. I'll check those out though. There's been a ton of books out this spring and I haven't sat down and watched a movie in a while, so I'll have to start with Drive.

for real on the food. I only ordered burgers or chicken tenders after that experience. Excuse me, these tenders, is this an extra crispy breading? yes? oh well, burger then. hold the crunch. :D

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

My favorite actor is Anthony Hopkins, so the ideal answer would be a movie with both of them. Preferably a thriller. Preferably one where Hopkins gets to tap back into his Lecteryness.

.sigh. If only.

OH WAIT. FRACTURE (2007) directed by Gregory Hoblit, who also directed Primal Fear, the criminally underrated Hart’s War, and Frequency. (Also starring David Strathairn, Cliff Curtis (who is ALWAYS a Win), Rosamund Pike, Bob Gunton (the warden from Shawshank Redemption), and Xander Berkeley in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo.) I saw it in theaters with my Dad, and we both really enjoyed it.

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Fracture is good!

Probably because Gosling is in it!

(Although that Hopkins guy is no slouch).

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Kelly Thompson

Oh my goodness me, that Storykiller COYS sounds super fun!!! Cannot wait for your super secret announcement!!! And The Cull! And the final Captain Marvel issue! And the omnibus! And... and... wow... there’s a lot going on!

Cheers to it all! 🍻

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Right? I am super excited about it. I hope it works out.

You are DEF gonna like the announcement. ;D

So much going on!

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Reeling with excitement! Can’t wait Kelly, best of luck and we will all do what we can to spread the good gospel 🫡💜

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My Cap Marvel omni came in yesterday, it looks amazing and I really cannot wait to have vol 2 next to it!

Also looking forward to reading what projects you are going to be working on next :D

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Excited to see what's coming up. Reading up a couple of those interviews made me tear up imagining the emotions of the Captain Marvel run, gonna miss it but man, it was amazing.

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My partner and I have this crazy conspiracy theory that Ryan Gosling is trying to stealth bingo every movie style in existence. Which I (we) am (are) all for.

I just hope if it's true he presents it with a big board covered in his character's face for each category.

Gonna say I like Bladerunner best at the moment.

K bye.

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Jun 4, 2023·edited Jun 4, 2023

I love that idea 😅

I haven't seen many Gosling films but I adored 2049.

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