Aug 20Liked by Kelly Thompson

Not entering again because I won last time, just so happy to see this back again! And super excited to pick up the new issue tomorrow ❤️

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You are very magnanimous. But if you want to play I can just exclude you from the drawing. Make a new one if you got a new character class -- love to see them. <3

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Aug 20Liked by Kelly Thompson

9, Bywur, December/Bellweather, Male (he/him)

This is always fun, and it's something that's very Substack specific, so thanks Kelly for finding new and interesting ways to use the platform :D

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Love it. Trying to do more of this stuff this year!

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Aug 20Liked by Kelly Thompson

Hell yeah character creator day.

9 sprite, mechyal, male

9! 3 of 4 there. My sense of direction is pretty good, but math is my nemesis. I need to go back and look because i think i said that last year.

Mechyal because it sounds like “mechs y’all!” Hell yeah mechs. Anyway, i probably need more coffee or less. One of those things.

Thanks for bringing back the character creator game Kelly :D

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Thanks for playing, Mike!

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Aug 20Liked by Kelly Thompson





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REEEEEEEALLY want this character to be full Roy Kent vibes: https://youtu.be/bYuP4CCyW3s?si=ixB0rGiT37nGZSlU

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Aug 20Liked by Kelly Thompson

Oh boy! Here we go again!

4, Sprite, Grey, Male (He/Him)

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Lots of Sprites this year!

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Aug 23Liked by Kelly Thompson

8 -- Myrti -- Shifter -- Gender-fluid

Once ate a block of cheese I college, still walked to the grocery store and bought these awful (but still yummy?) frozen burritos. I think we went to IHOP thereafter. Also. I just love the smell of lilacs.

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Haha. I've eaten at LEAST one block of cheese in my lifetime too. Lilacs are arguably, the best. Lavender a close second for me.

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Aug 23Liked by Kelly Thompson

4, June/Taka, Priici, Female

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Ooh, nice work on that name.

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Aug 22Liked by Kelly Thompson

10, Bukavac, Fraudroch, male

On Wikipedia they say a bukavac comes "out of the water during the night to make a loud noise". Fits! Oh, this brings out the child in me! What a heap of fun.

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Fraudroch! I love it!

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Aug 22Liked by Kelly Thompson

10, July/Shifter, Jumuu, Non-Binary.

I sort of already love them?

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For some reason that seems like the PERFECT name for a shifter.

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Aug 22Liked by Kelly Thompson

5, Mesan, February/Goblin, Nonbinary (They/Them).

Been a longtime fan of your stuff, and I wanted to participate.

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Thanks so much, Mason!

I hope you have a good time, however long we have you with us.

Mesan is entered! <3

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Aug 21Liked by Kelly Thompson

6, December/Bellweather, Moruum, non-binary (they/them)

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Great name!

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10, gobo (goblin), Meko, they/them

the changing of vowels was much harder then expected...lots of head shaking.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Kelly Thompson

5, Unnoby, January/elf, male --loved the new issue!

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Thanks, Joe!

Unnoby is fun.

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Aug 21Liked by Kelly Thompson

5, March/Fairy, Jecqoilann, female (she/her) 😁

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Ooooh. Exotic sounding! :D

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Aug 21Liked by Kelly Thompson

3, August-Dracona, Mushu, Fluid.

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Aug 21Liked by Kelly Thompson

8, Elf, Grugoro, Male (He/Him)

As usual I spent too much time laboring over the name even though it's only the vowels, but I had trouble deciding on a number/personality this time too. 3 is maybe more accurate to real me, but I think the cheese won me over to 8. Not sure what that says about me hahaha

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Cheese usually wins me over as well.

Your name has the "Grogu" heat on it. :D

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Aug 22Liked by Kelly Thompson

Hahaha yeah, that was part of the conundrum!

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You made the right decision.

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