So…the brilliant Leonardo Romero is the first person I ever wrote a De Luca Effect style action panel for, in HAWKEYE #2:
We did it again in HAWKEYE #7 (and the great Michael Walsh and I played with it some more in HAWKEYE #12).
So you knew what was going to happen in BIRDS OF PREY, right?
Of course NONE of us knew it was going to look THIS good. Because Leo is simply ALWAYS LEVELING UP. So here you go — the first swoon worthy action DPS from BIRDS OF PREY #1:
And here are two other gorgeous pages that kick the issue off — and which many folks on twitter are pretty excited about as they feature an Easter Egg of a portrait of Dinah and her adopted sister Sin Lance. Yes, I can confirm that is indeed Sin. <3
I am so excited for you guys to read this book! <3
BIRDS OF PREY #1 is in all fine comic book shops everywhere on September 5th, 2023.
holy SHIT Leonardo
PUMP THAT LEONARDO CASS DIRECTLY INTO MY VEINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!