The character I want to bring up is Black Widow. Now, before I mention the story that intrigued me about her, allow me to suck up for a moment. I can say without reservation that your run (with Elena Casagrande, Rafael de Latorre, and Rafael Pimentel) on Black Widow is my all-time favorite. In it, Natasha is vulnerable and badass in equa…
The character I want to bring up is Black Widow. Now, before I mention the story that intrigued me about her, allow me to suck up for a moment. I can say without reservation that your run (with Elena Casagrande, Rafael de Latorre, and Rafael Pimentel) on Black Widow is my all-time favorite. In it, Natasha is vulnerable and badass in equal measure. And, although she has been an Avenger forever (and, therefore, no stranger to being part of a team), seeing her forge a team, or, more accurately, create a *family* after she LOST her family was hugely affecting and rewarding.
But it was Daredevil 188 (Frank Miller & Klaus Janson) that made me sit up and take notice of her. In that story, she had been poisoned by the Hand and was going to die soon. She’s on the run, desperately searching for a cure and eventually looks for Matt Murdock. Along the way, she kicks everybody’s ass… even though she’s getting sicker and sicker, to the point of DISSOLVING.
Part of the appeal was the new-to-me gray costume (which I freaking love to this day) and short hair. And part was her flippant, sarcastic attitude that masked her sadness and fear about dying. I had read her before and never disliked her but never really liked her either. This story made me a FAN.
I *did* watch Kate. On *your* recommendation! And I loved it! What a ride! (Plus, I spread the word by recommending it on our podcast. So, seven to ten more people know about the movie thanks to me.)
The character I want to bring up is Black Widow. Now, before I mention the story that intrigued me about her, allow me to suck up for a moment. I can say without reservation that your run (with Elena Casagrande, Rafael de Latorre, and Rafael Pimentel) on Black Widow is my all-time favorite. In it, Natasha is vulnerable and badass in equal measure. And, although she has been an Avenger forever (and, therefore, no stranger to being part of a team), seeing her forge a team, or, more accurately, create a *family* after she LOST her family was hugely affecting and rewarding.
But it was Daredevil 188 (Frank Miller & Klaus Janson) that made me sit up and take notice of her. In that story, she had been poisoned by the Hand and was going to die soon. She’s on the run, desperately searching for a cure and eventually looks for Matt Murdock. Along the way, she kicks everybody’s ass… even though she’s getting sicker and sicker, to the point of DISSOLVING.
Part of the appeal was the new-to-me gray costume (which I freaking love to this day) and short hair. And part was her flippant, sarcastic attitude that masked her sadness and fear about dying. I had read her before and never disliked her but never really liked her either. This story made me a FAN.
Thank you! <3
And yes! That Daredevil issue is amazing!
(and if you like that plot - you should try the action movie Kate!)
I *did* watch Kate. On *your* recommendation! And I loved it! What a ride! (Plus, I spread the word by recommending it on our podcast. So, seven to ten more people know about the movie thanks to me.)
Haha! Yes! I'm so glad you liked it.
I hope those 7-10 people enjoyed it too. ;D