Hey Guys
Thanks for your patience while this page has been dark, I appreciate your continued support more than you know.
You always hope you’ll bust into the new year strong and start the year off right. And most of the time that doesn’t work out so great…but this year we really stumbled despite best efforts — some minor health stuff at the end of the year hit us, and then a huge storm in Portland (which you probably heard about, or if you are local to me, suffered through yourself) — which left us without power, and eventually water. Good times! Honestly, we had it better than lots of people and it still completely sucked. Shortly after the worst storm stuff passed Monarch had to go the ER and stay over for a couple days. It was incredibly stressful and expensive (and we still don’t really know what happened) — but he seems fine and so we’re all just hoping it’s over and cool?
I spend so much time in my life hoping.
I ask a lot of hope, honestly.
And I’m not sure its reputation is stellar tbh. Sigh.
That is where I have been. Struggling with life obstacles and trying to clear out a lot of work that has still been going too slowly to be efficient (though I think I had a breakthrough this weekend on that front — fingers crossed).

You’re hearing from me today for a few reasons, but mostly because:
BIRDS OF PREY #6 is out everywhere TODAY and I LOVE IT. This is our last issue of the first arc, wrapping up The MEGADEATH storyline and rolling Barbara into the book. This book was one of very few bright spots for me in 2023 and to see this first arc closing so beautifully… well, I love it. And I love my team, both real life and fictional. It’s one of the best comic book experiences I’ve had so far in my professional life — and while I’ve been pretty lucky to work with incredible people — it’s worth saying that this book and this experience is and has been… something special.
And here’s a very cool screenshot (and link) from one of my favorite of all the end of the year lists we ended up on (and BIRDS OF PREY ended up on a lot — so did THE CULL and BLACK CLOAK…even CAPTAIN MARVEL wrapping up made some lists. And both THE CULL and BOP made CBR’s Top 100 comics of 2023). <3
And while it’s much less official, this has got to be one of my favorite reader comments ever:
It’s so good I’m trying to see if we can get DC to put “Pharmacist recommended!” on a future BOP cover.
So anyway, please consider buying BIRDS OF PREY today. You won’t regret it.
You should also get THE CULL #5 tomorrow — last issue of the mini-series — unless of course you’re a paid subscriber here — and then you’re getting it tomorrow — all 25 pages of it — BLASTED RIGHT INTO YOUR EYEHOLES! ;D
I can’t hang out much longer as I have to get back to an overdue script (>cough< two. >cough<) but I wanted to let you know that all orders have been shipped as of early January and should have been long ago received (except for you, Daniel. I am working on something special for you and haven’t shipped it yet). If you ordered something and don’t have it, please check Paypal to see if there’s a tracking number there — if that doesn’t work, just shoot me an email.
I have also updated the webstore with new BIRDS OF PREY #6 and THE CULL #5.
But if you’re a paid subscriber and want to order something, wait until tomorrow, as I’ll add a promo code for the store into the new THE CULL email drop.
As I said above, thank you all for your patience and support during some rough roads, it’s meant more to me than you know. Oh, and here’s a picture of Monarch with his little shaved leg (we call it his punk rock leg) and abdomen from his hospital stint.
Love you guys. <3
Hang in there and give someone a hug, it will make you feel better.
Can’t wait to see “Pharmacist recommended!” at the end of the first trade! Hope everything for you is much easier the rest of the year. Can’t wait to read the new BoP! Been loving it so far - definitely Damon recommended!
Which… isn’t as cool as Pharmacist recommended. But I do love it!
Felt wierd making a BoP post in Cull thread so .... here?
Super late on reading this week. So many great lines. And then the whammy at the end with a new mission statement. So good.
Can't wait to see who the "new team" is.
And I will mourn the glory that was this team. Such an awesomely written team.