I think...there was a time when you could maybe get away writing that?
But Diana -- in the last decade or so -- IMO -- has really started being treated with the respect she has always deserved. And as the preeminent female of both DC and the Trinity -- it's not fair to have someone like Barda (a fairly obscure character comparatively) take her out -- no matter how much I believe Barda's an underrated powerhouse (and no matter how much I love and am in the tank for her).
But I would also say that while I don't think it's as evident in a smaller/faster/localized fight like this -- Diana is certainly the more well-rounded hero character overall (leadership, kindness, experience, connections, ability to bring others to her side/cause, strategy beyond just the battlefield, etc.) -- and those factors probably help her defeat Barda nine times out of ten -- even if they're physically quite evenly matched.
I'm sure a few of you noticed that I DID cheat just a little bit -- by removing the Mega Rod from the equation -- which would have given Barda a big asset (and maybe the edge she needed?) -- but if she'd had the Mega Rod no fight would have been necessary... so... this was best (and way more fun). ;D
I honestly thought Barda could hold her own in a punch up between Diana. A new god v a demi god.
I think...there was a time when you could maybe get away writing that?
But Diana -- in the last decade or so -- IMO -- has really started being treated with the respect she has always deserved. And as the preeminent female of both DC and the Trinity -- it's not fair to have someone like Barda (a fairly obscure character comparatively) take her out -- no matter how much I believe Barda's an underrated powerhouse (and no matter how much I love and am in the tank for her).
But I would also say that while I don't think it's as evident in a smaller/faster/localized fight like this -- Diana is certainly the more well-rounded hero character overall (leadership, kindness, experience, connections, ability to bring others to her side/cause, strategy beyond just the battlefield, etc.) -- and those factors probably help her defeat Barda nine times out of ten -- even if they're physically quite evenly matched.
I'm sure a few of you noticed that I DID cheat just a little bit -- by removing the Mega Rod from the equation -- which would have given Barda a big asset (and maybe the edge she needed?) -- but if she'd had the Mega Rod no fight would have been necessary... so... this was best (and way more fun). ;D