Well, it’s definitely spring. My allergies are going crazy and I’m apparently old enough that now my joints hurt like crazy for a while when the air pressure changes with the seasons. Cool.
I said cool already, right?
Carol absolutely finds it cool…see?

*Also, I know this is hardly the FINAL frontier, but you can see why I couldn’t resist that perfect title, right?
Sneak Peeks!
Upcoming Books!
What I’m Doing!
From BLACK WIDOW #15 — out TOMORROW 4/6/22! Couldn’t have said it better myself, Nat. Or…I suppose I did say, in a meta way. ;D
So, this IS the final issue…for now. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to talk about it, a lot of you have been asking, and it has deeply pained me to take a pass on those questions, especially since this is a book I love so much (maybe my favorite book I’ve ever done at Marvel), but there’s a lot of stuff that happens behind the scenes and it’s not always something you can talk about publicly. To be honest, I still can’t talk about as much as I’d like, but what I can say is… there ARE plans for a bit more story from this creative team. Things are still being wrangled, but I am optimistic it will work out AND be worth the wait.
I did do this interview a few weeks ago that some of you might enjoy.
Also, here’s the preview for Issue 15, out tomorrow.

And from CAPTAIN MARVEL #38 (May). This is a very weird and exciting arc we’re about to embark on. It’s a bit risky, but I think you guys are up for the challenge and I hope you’ll all end up loving it. One of those risks is a sort of split narrative that includes different art for each side of the narrative. As you can see below one artist is the incredible Alvaro Lopez doing something exciting and a little bit different for our book, with a stunning color assist by Jordie Bellaire:
Essex’s apartment from BLACK CLOAK Chapter 4 (April):
Stunning In Process Panels from THE CULL #1:
Dates seem to be holding pretty well so far! Fingers crossed!
BLACK WIDOW #15 - 4/6/22
CAPTAIN MARVEL #38 - 5/4/22 (we have a skip month in April for the regular title, but don’t forget to pick up our first ever Captain Marvel Annual that month!)
CAPTAIN MARVEL #39 - 6/8/22
I’m under some really tight deadlines at the moment (which will make more sense soon!) but I just wanted to say that I’m still watching WECRASHED (AppleTV) and THE DROPOUT (Hulu) and I really think they’re excellent. There’s still time to botch the landing I suppose, but I have enjoyed both immensely. The lead performances in both (Leto, Hathaway, Seyfried and Andrews, respectively) are…awesome. Also, WeCrashed added America Ferrera in a supporting role and man…I just love her any time she shows up. She just radiates something.
I also started watching SUPER PUMPED (Showtime) — a limited series about “the battle for Uber. Like any of these kind of things, it’s pretty watchable (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kyle Chandler, Kerry Bishe, and Annie Chang are all terrific) but of all of these types of shows I’ve watched lately (and that’s A LOT) it’s definitely more the middle of the field, whereas THE DROPOUT and WECRASHED are rising to the top.
I also finally got to see THE POWER OF THE DOG and I really loved it. Had an ending I wasn’t really expecting and that’s always a treat.
I’m way behind in my comics reading, as ever. But you guys are reading this super fucking fun DC vs Vampires stuff by Matt Rosenberg, James Tynion IV, and Otto Schmidt, right? So fun and wild and so so pretty.
Though his brother is more of a traditionalist, The Monarch has always had a lot of funny sleep styles:
Even Clive knows it. Look at him here. Total “can you believe this guy? can’t even keep his head in the basket” energy.
Okay. That’s enough for now. We’ve got some really exciting stuff coming at you this month…but in order for it to happen I need to go and actually do it, so I’m signing off. Thanks for your patience as ever.
Be good to each other, and to yourself. <3
Maaaaaan. I had a feeling on Widow... but it’s ok. I have faith it’ll A) Be back and B) kick so much ass tomorrow we will need the break ;)
Thanks for always bringing us joy!! Unless it a cliffhanger on your books. Oh.. wait.... ;)
Man... super bummed about Black Widow. Always one of my first reads when it comes out. Got my LCS hooked on it too so we’ll all be down in the dumps tomorrow. Hopefully plans of some sort of a continuation come to fruition. Really liked her little team that was forming and honestly, easily, my favorite costume she’s ever had. Also hope those tight deadlines will come and go with ease, always looking forward to Kelly Content of all kinds!