Hang in there Kelly, as bleak as things are at the moment I still tend to think the overall arc of history is towards justice. And the crazy, over-the-top, unconstitutional, and just overall poisonous way these bills are being written makes me think that the people writing them know that they have already lost, but are trying to rally (and fundraise from) the base for just one or two more election cycles... I could be wrong, and I'm a middle-aged white man from a semi-affluent background, so I can only imagine what it feel like to have these laws and proposed laws must feel like to the people that they actually effect directly, so what the hell do I know...

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I hope you're right. These latest pushes do feel almost comically insane (Don't Say Gay -- are you fucking kidding me with this?!?) so I hope you're right, but especially for the most vulnerable I can't imagine how terrifying it is to watch some of these things actually pass and the world to just sort of keep on turning. It's terrifying for me and I'm only slightly vulnerable by comparison.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Kelly Thompson

Thanks for the real, heartfelt, and honest preamble. What the hell, like how are things this crazy (Aka appalling/depressing) right now (it’s 2022?) and it *does* feel weird to just be ...normal(?) about our lives(?). Anyways, that is all. Still love all your projects/comics and these posts, thanks. (And sorry for my overuse of parentheses.)

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Kelly Thompson

It’s difficult to be positive right now. I’m generally a fairly positive person but it seems every hour, or 5 minutes, something comes out that just brings me right back down. One step up, one step back. It is very dark times... but I do have to say thank you to you and all your fellow creators out there for bringing a smile to faces when you can but also reflecting on what’s going on in the real world. Hang in there Kelly, we only get one and gotta make the most out of it while we are able! 💜

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Kelly Thompson

It truly feels like the darkest times I can remember in all my years.

Not sure if you remember Purp from the Romy thread on CBR, but he and his wife are still in Ukraine. 😥 Safe for now at least.

But yes, coming off a presidency bent toward conservative authoritarianism, a pandemic that is still mostly in swing and now just endemic, and now the inklings of WWIII and these attacks on civil liberties everywhere for POC, women and LQBTQ+ ... it's a hard time to feel any joy and not just constantly depressed and defeated.

What gives me hope are the kids. They really get it. These outdated ideas will die out in time and I think a lot of this is people in power seeing the writing on the wall. Peace and justice will prevail again if people are ready to fight for it. And the stories you tell do help that. They really do. Whether it's just a small respite of joy in a terrible world or showing people through fiction how to understand and accept new concepts or differences or what is truly heroic. Writing has so much power to change people. So don't let the bastards wear you down. 😉

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Crap. I didn't realize Purp and his wife were in Ukraine. Glad to hear they are okay so far.

To everything else, hell yes. I agree that kids are my best (only?) hope at this point too. <3

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Yeah, I hope I'm right too. And it is truly terrifying sometimes that there is even a SINGLE human being that can think that some of these laws are a good idea.

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She actually looks good in bangs!

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Already in love with Cleo.

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