Having read #2 I'm getting shades of Annihilation, which I love. Here's hoping there's room for a second arc because I'm already lamenting the end as too soon! Feels like potentially such a big story.
Yeah. Annihilation is definitely in our same wheelhouse. The Expanse, Goonies, Annihilation, these are some of the touchstones for sure. <3
That trailer kicks so much ass I am going to petition congress to force all trailers to have no dialog and (preferably) creepy music.
Hey, what kind of format is that trailer? I can't seem to share it.
It's an MP4.
I did post on Insta and twitter and bluesky so you might be able to share that way more easily?
Sure, that works. Social media is hard.
The trailer is amazingly good! This is me getting excited all over again!
Yeah, it's fantastic!
This news is cool.
More news is exciting!
I'd be Hella surprised if The Cull #2 had less awesome sauce drizzled all over it (compared to 1) [The capital H means "important word", right].
Just read issue 2. Are the artist names in the cover gallery supposed to overlap like that?
This was in your print copy?
Image and I were having a hell of a time with two of those pages that kept somehow doubling text -- we fixed it like three times! Gahhhhhhh.
Nah just the amazon/comixology edition
That leaves me HOPEFUL for the print edition (which I have not yet seen)
And also hopeful that we can update those comixology files. THANK YOU.
Having read #2 I'm getting shades of Annihilation, which I love. Here's hoping there's room for a second arc because I'm already lamenting the end as too soon! Feels like potentially such a big story.
Yeah. Annihilation is definitely in our same wheelhouse. The Expanse, Goonies, Annihilation, these are some of the touchstones for sure. <3
That trailer kicks so much ass I am going to petition congress to force all trailers to have no dialog and (preferably) creepy music.
Hey, what kind of format is that trailer? I can't seem to share it.
It's an MP4.
I did post on Insta and twitter and bluesky so you might be able to share that way more easily?
Sure, that works. Social media is hard.
The trailer is amazingly good! This is me getting excited all over again!
Yeah, it's fantastic!
This news is cool.
More news is exciting!
I'd be Hella surprised if The Cull #2 had less awesome sauce drizzled all over it (compared to 1) [The capital H means "important word", right].
Just read issue 2. Are the artist names in the cover gallery supposed to overlap like that?
This was in your print copy?
Image and I were having a hell of a time with two of those pages that kept somehow doubling text -- we fixed it like three times! Gahhhhhhh.
Nah just the amazon/comixology edition
That leaves me HOPEFUL for the print edition (which I have not yet seen)
And also hopeful that we can update those comixology files. THANK YOU.