Thanks for sharing your knowledge around this process! Really interesting to read about.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Kelly Thompson

I read volume 1 last night and got to this panel and the memory of reading this post came flooding back to me, lol. What an amazing series so far, on to volume 2!

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Oct 30, 2021Liked by Kelly Thompson

Terrific post.

I have a question. I see a lot of reference to ‘Beat Sheets’. My understanding is that beats are basically parts of a scene, so are Beat Sheets just detailed outlines or something else?

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Oct 16, 2021Liked by Kelly Thompson

Fascinating! So how does your approach to scripting a comic differ from writing prose work?

Do you like to outline the whole plot first regardless or do you have specific scenes written out in detail that you join up together? Do you ever doodle/draw out portions that are hard to explain?

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Oct 16, 2021Liked by Kelly Thompson

Awesome post, thank you, Kelly!

One question though (if you’re willing): Do you remember how it came to be that Elena ended up changing the first panel from what you had in the 2nd script (i.e. focusing on Viper instead of Arcade)? Did an editor intervene? Did you shoot her a separate email? Did she do that of her own volition?

(Also, the Casagrande/Bellaire art on this series has been bananas awesome)

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This is fascinating- thank you so much for sharing!!! As a writer myself, I love to see how others format their scripts. I love seeing all these different steps.

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This was great, especially seeing how the script changed after the art came in.

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by Kelly Thompson

This post blew me away. I knew I loved behind-the-scenes details and stories about the creation of one of my all-time favorite things… comics. But I didn’t know the term “process junkie” until your series for this Substack. Now that I know, I can officially declare “I AM A PROCESS JUNKIE.” This is an amazing peek behind the curtain. Thanks so much for this and for all the work you do to entertain the heck out of us!

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by Kelly Thompson

This is so cool. Thank you for sharing!

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