Well one reason to have gone to NYCC has evaporated because Keith Giffen decided to skip it by dying (see his announcement in Twitter that Kevin Macquire posted). Have you met any of the Gods of Comics face to face? Even when you worked with Kelly Sue in the Carol Corps comic run?
Personally I think you, Keith and JM Demartis would have got on like a house on fire (panic, screaming, running away).
Yeah, I saw the news. Terrible news but very on brand for Keith to get the last laugh.
I didn't know him personally, but it would be impossible to not be a fan, he's a legend.
I've met a bunch of terrific Marvel people (because I regularly attended Summits for a few years), I also have met Sophie Campbell IRL, KSD and Fraction, and a handful of others.
Whew, I totally know that feeling about adding a few more. Hey I’m already doing these other similar things, what’s one or two more? It’s Efficient. “it wasn’t,” Narrator, definitely
Oh that’s a great idea about pulling the winner. I like it. Chances will get better for my squad 😎
The FOMO is so real. NYCC is too big for me, but I am also filled with longing seeing my feed flush with people getting awesome art, meeting cool folks, etc.
Yeah. In some ways it's gotten better for me (I've gotten used to it maybe?) and in some ways it's worse (there's always cool exclusive Jeff merch that I either miss, or have to rely on the best fans in the world to get for me).
I thought this might be fun since it was NYCC (but also realized there would be even more competition since REAL artists are doing a ton of great stuff right now). haha. We'll see how it goes!
If you do a signing in the future I'd consider going, but otherwise I've had my fill. Cons were exhausting to begin with, and now even more stressful post COVID. Huge gatherings make me anxious.
Yeah, I do even less well in crowded spaces (post) pandemic so in some ways it seems even less likely -- but I'd still like to try it someday -- even in just a super limited capacity. We'll see!
Well, if for some reason you wanted to keep it super limited to a store signing in Los Angeles, Golden Apple would be happy to host. Even when we have lines down the block we only let a few folks in the door at a time so it doesn't get too bad inside. I'm sure a convention would be a more lucrative option for you tho :)
These covers are so fun! Yeah I always have con FOMO. I wish they weren't always so far away for me. I never have the time for long trips, let alone the extra cash for the airfare/hotel. Maybe one of these days!
Well one reason to have gone to NYCC has evaporated because Keith Giffen decided to skip it by dying (see his announcement in Twitter that Kevin Macquire posted). Have you met any of the Gods of Comics face to face? Even when you worked with Kelly Sue in the Carol Corps comic run?
Personally I think you, Keith and JM Demartis would have got on like a house on fire (panic, screaming, running away).
Yeah, I saw the news. Terrible news but very on brand for Keith to get the last laugh.
I didn't know him personally, but it would be impossible to not be a fan, he's a legend.
I've met a bunch of terrific Marvel people (because I regularly attended Summits for a few years), I also have met Sophie Campbell IRL, KSD and Fraction, and a handful of others.
Jeff’s doing his best Dinah!
I love the covers Kelly. I am sitting at my desk laughing. These are awesome and i hope the auctions do well.
Meant to comment yesterday but cull 3, whew, that was a twist. It is excellent and looking forward to the next one.
Also Storm totally should have won. She’s trained against jean plenty and dodge this hurricane psychic lady. (I am VERY behind on my comments, sorry).
Oh well. Maybe jean will pull Domino, Longshot, or Deadpool round 1 next war and she gets knocked early. At least that’s how i think it should go. :D
Dinah needs to be more reasonable! ;D
I'm so glad you're enjoying them. I enjoy doing them -- though I always try to do like 2 too many than I have time/ideas for!
I agree on Storm vs Jean, but we lost. That said, lots of people are suggesting we pull the winner of the last match in a new match and I agree.
Lol for real. Geez Dinah.
Whew, I totally know that feeling about adding a few more. Hey I’m already doing these other similar things, what’s one or two more? It’s Efficient. “it wasn’t,” Narrator, definitely
Oh that’s a great idea about pulling the winner. I like it. Chances will get better for my squad 😎
The FOMO is so real. NYCC is too big for me, but I am also filled with longing seeing my feed flush with people getting awesome art, meeting cool folks, etc.
Yeah. In some ways it's gotten better for me (I've gotten used to it maybe?) and in some ways it's worse (there's always cool exclusive Jeff merch that I either miss, or have to rely on the best fans in the world to get for me).
I thought this might be fun since it was NYCC (but also realized there would be even more competition since REAL artists are doing a ton of great stuff right now). haha. We'll see how it goes!
The Cass scariest thing cover is amazing!!!!!! As are all the others 😁. Good luck on the listings!
That was the first idea I had.
This is one of the reasons you are my favorite author 😍😍
Jeff on flamingo stilts murdered me. That is all.
Thank you.
Definitely my fav in this group. lol
Although I am partial to the Fastball Special one going up today too. ;D
If you do a signing in the future I'd consider going, but otherwise I've had my fill. Cons were exhausting to begin with, and now even more stressful post COVID. Huge gatherings make me anxious.
Good luck with the auctions!
Thanks, Joe.
And thanks for saying you'd consider my signing!
Yeah, I do even less well in crowded spaces (post) pandemic so in some ways it seems even less likely -- but I'd still like to try it someday -- even in just a super limited capacity. We'll see!
Well, if for some reason you wanted to keep it super limited to a store signing in Los Angeles, Golden Apple would be happy to host. Even when we have lines down the block we only let a few folks in the door at a time so it doesn't get too bad inside. I'm sure a convention would be a more lucrative option for you tho :)
That's very generous -- I will definitely consider that. Thanks, Joe.
These covers are so fun! Yeah I always have con FOMO. I wish they weren't always so far away for me. I never have the time for long trips, let alone the extra cash for the airfare/hotel. Maybe one of these days!
Yeah, I don't know how people manage it tbh.
But proof positive that comic fans remain the most devoted and passionate of fans (usually a good thing!)
You’re right about seeing the cons and what you’re missing out on Kelly.
It's hard. But I guess we can come together in... not being there?
Solidarity. I’ll take the fact that you going might change as a sign of something big on the horizon!!