I'll wait for you, Black Widow #13!!!! 😭 Yeah, the delays are a huge bummer, but what can anyone do? It's crazy times we're living in.

So I guess it's a bad time for conjecture about whether It's Jeff might get a TPB someday? I hope so! He's so adorable I want to put him on my shelf!

And I never ever was going to guess Total Nullification Team! 😂 I mean, dramatic sure, but very creative! Getting nullified is quite extra compared to merely being destroyed.

We watched Maid and it was SO good - painful truths, but a rewarding journey.

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Yeah, hard to predict what's gonna happen for the next couple months. Gonna be fun!

I would honestly be surprised if Marvel doesn't want to double dip and do a print edition of It's Jeff, but they might want to wait for more content, and it's probably not much of a priority at a time of print shortages. Also there's definitely some logistics to figure out as far as formatting goes. We designed our book to be read on a phone/ipad digitally. We didn't swing into that WILDLY, knowing that print might be something people wanted at some point, but it's still something that has to be figured out.

Maid. God. It has stayed with me SO HARD.

Who on earth would guess Total Nullification Team!? It's RIDICULOUS!

Also, as I said in the post, they were more about Nullifying FEELINGS than lives or bad guys or whatever. Good times. I absolutely had Rogue and Gambit ripoffs in there - Sizzle and Guile.

Oh, Kelly. Oh, Kelly NO.

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🤣 Awww, that's great! I mean, who can blame you? They're too fun not to work in.

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Just read BW #12 and Oh. My. God! Everything off the charts! Loved it all so much but I wanted to give special mention to Elena's design for Nat's "Black widow" outfit (the hair!!!!) for the gala 👌💯🔥🔥🔥 brilliant work guys 👏👏👏👏

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Yeah, I honestly wish we'd had way more time for the gala proper stuff as Elena clearly excelled at - and loved - doing that stuff.

But alas, we must get back to the business of many punchings and kickings. ;D

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Hehe, many punchings and kickings is a good thing 😁👍

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Yep we'll all be here waiting patiently for those beautiful books of yours - you know what they say? Absence makes the heart grow fonder! ♥ Never give up, never surrender! 💪

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Eraser Lass! Invalidator! The Abolitionist! Cancel-Man! Control-Z! Veto Torpedo! We are the... TOTAL NULLIFICATION TEAM!


Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to the upcoming behind-the-paywall post. I wanna feel special!

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Those character names are ALSO mostly better than mine. SIGH. It's amazing I made it this far, isn't it?

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I can’t take all the credit. Thanks, thesaurus.com!

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Thx for the heads-up, and hear hear on the patience and kindness. Once the supply chain and labor shortage issues are resolved (easy, right?), we’re all looking forward to the Total Nullification Team #1 solicits. ;) (Wish I could say my first associations with the word “nullification” were with Jack Kirby and not John C. Calhoun.) We’re looking forward to more Jeff, Natasha, Carol, Ben, allathem!

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Thanks for keeping us posted Kelly! Hopefully we'll get new BW and CM issues sooner rather than later

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The patience will be worth it! This will all end eventually so just enjoying what we get when we get it. On a plus side, do the delayed publishes help when it comes for having more time laying out future issues?

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