I'm so excited for more "It's Jeff"! My 8 yo seriously was just asking if I had more of "that Jeff comic" on my phone. 😂 And she DID love "I Am Groot."

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Yes to both of these things!

Also I've got something(s) coming up in Captain Marvel this fall that YOU are going to love (and which has nothing to do with Jeff or Groot...or Carol). ;D

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😮 Ohhhh!!! Quite intriguing! Can't wait to find out. 🥰

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😍 I think I see what you were referring to!!! Yeeeessss!!!!!! More Rogue! 🙌

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Oh my goodness Kate’s outfit in that panel is phenomenal from Guri! And who do I need to email for an It’s Jeff animated short? Gotta make that happen. It’s easy money, Mr. Mouse!

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I'm not sure who we email...but if I ever find out I'll report back! ;D

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My take on summer: I also don't like being hot and sweaty but summer remains my favorite. I'm at my happiest when I'm wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I know some people like layers and accessorizing but I love the simplicity of summer. (Also, when my lawn dies, I don't have to mow it as much. Thanks, oppressive heat and my refusal to ever water my grass!)

My take on The Gray Man: It was fine. I had listened to the audiobook previously and did not enjoy it. But I had every reason to believe the Russo Brothers, Marcus and McFeely, and that amazing cast would find what was good about the story, streamline it, and elevate it. And they did, just not enough for me to really engage with it. I watched it with my wife and daughter. And when it was over, we all were like, "OK. That sure was a movie all right,." and then went on with our lives. (I'm still totally with you on "Kate," though!)

My take on I Am Groot: I haven't seen it but now I'm excited to check it out. (Pretty hot take, right?)

And, even though you didn't mention this and nobody asked for it...

My take on She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: This is the Disney+ MCU series I've been anticipating the most. With a mixture of excitement and dread. I love Jen and I hope she gets the amazing show she deserves. I'm spoiler-averse enough not to have watched any of the trailers but I've been unable to avoid glimpses of CGI She-Hulk and the negative reaction to it. (And the controversy around how poorly Marvel Studios treats VFX houses.) I just hope the show is good enough to make those issues fade into the background, instead of constantly pulling me out of the story they're trying to tell. (And I hope the aforementioned controversy makes Marvel Studios treat VFX houses better. I freaking hate when hugely successful companies like Amazon and Marvel Studios don't spend their money on THEIR PEOPLE.) It premieres tomorrow; we shall see!

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And now the unwanted answer to the unasked question: "How did Rob feel about the She-Hulk premiere?" I enjoyed it! A solid beginning. Tatiana Maslany is truly terrific (dare I say, "sensational"?) as Jen/She-Hulk. There was some dodgy CGI here and there but not enough to take me out of the story. This premiere episode was under 40 minutes, though. I think they had the time to do a better job establishing Jen's world and her supporting cast. But, yeah... solid. OK, bye!

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I’m late to the party, thanks for the updates! It’s so cool that your captain marvel run is busting through 40 issues too Kelly! Congratulations and really looking forward to the new issues.

Gray Man was great! De Armas and Gosling were excellent. I enjoyed her exasperation when she had to keep rescuing him. Also the “no one throws a loaded gun” exchanges cracked me up. Heel Turn Evans has also been entertaining. He seems like he is enjoying it as well.

Question, for animated Jeff what would be your ideal for creating his vocalizations? i mean sharkified animal sounds (guessing cat :) or a voice actor doing the sounds or both?

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Thank you!

You know, I'm not sure I know what would be best for Jeff's vocalizations since I don't really have any experience with that -- but I would just hope they don't ever give him dialogue er...human dialogue.

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Gwennnnnn!!!!! (Poooooool!) What an update! So stoked for more It's Jeff. And then i saw that blonde to pink ombre hair and i just got even more excited!

I enjoyed The Gray Man, too. My podcast is going through the first Captain America movie at the moment and it was a lot of fun to see a jaded and evil Chris Evans. You're exactly right, though. Everything that worked in the movie worked because Gosling was there in the center. Like an axel. I guess. I was surprised to learn that people weren't enjoying it, though.

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Yeah. It's fun to see Captain America so evil and delighting in it. I mean, horrible but also fun.

I think maybe people are probably mostly enjoying it -- but just not enjoying it AS MUCH as they expected, which sometimes ends up feeling like people don't like it...even though they do? I don't know...expectation can be a killer.

I also think it might have some good/more success later -- like we saw with The Last Duel recently. It felt like everyone was saying it wasn't good...and it didn't do well. And then tons of people (including me) finally got to it a few months later and it was terrific and everyone was talking about how good it was. Strange times we're living in.

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Hooray for Enchantress stopping by her good friend Carol's apartment to have brunch probably and not because of what happened during last summer's arc!

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About The Grey Man... I said in my review that Gosling and De Armas spent too many of their character points on Appearance and had nothing left for Acting skill. I find Him a boring actor, and Her to be very pretty (perspective? I guess).

I was disappointed in the action sequences too. Jackie Chan said that you film the action from a medium shot, so you can see how awesome the fight is. Zoom in too close, and have too many cuts, and it looks schlocky. I expect more from the Russos, but maybe their Fight Person was busy elsewhere.

I watch all these Netflix blockbusters as a dutiful subscriber, but they are usually a chore.

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I...do not know what to say in the face of this Gosling slander. D:

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What’s your take on De Armas? Maybe there’s a gender divide here…

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It's hard for me to focus because she's SO GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL.

But I like her and think she's a good actress.

I think most things I've seen her in (Blade Runner 2049, No Time To Die) have pigeon-holed her a little bit (extreme beauty will do that I suspect) but this doesn't do that, and I think while I don't love Knives Out as much as everyone else seems to, she's terrific in that and while still beautiful, it's more restrained/subtle.

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Yay! Huge fan of Carol Danvers, but is it weird I'm even more excited for It's Jeff? I think it's the wait for it that's building the excitement.

I watched the I Am Groot episodes with my child. We agree, the first wasn't great, but I think they got better with each episode. In any case, the child has watched them through at least 5 times now.

We would looooooove to see It's Jeff on screen... maybe even with Alligator Loki and Marvel Meow cameos?! I would die of fandom excitement.

Anyway, really enjoyed this update today. Read it first thing in bed with the child :D

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Aw. Thank you!

So glad you guys liked I Am Groot too -- especially your child! ;D

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Cannot wait for more JEFF!! N that squad he is rolling with! Ya love to see it!

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Gurihiru are knocking it out of the park this year!

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Thanks for the update, Kelly! I am *so* into these Carol (and Jeff!) updates. Alvaro Lopez's style is haunting and I think a welcome addition to depictions of our girl. But honestly, all the art is good. I'm also enjoying seeing Enchantress becoming a Carol foil?

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Thank you!

I love Lopez's style. I know it's a bit non-traditional for US cape comics, in that it's a more Euro style but I really really love it and I was super glad we were able to bring him on or a story like this that made sense for showing off sort of two competing styles in this way.

I love Enchantress. I think she's a great foil for Carol. She'll of course never REALLY belong to Carol given the Asgardian thing, but we can share custody, right?! ;D

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I think shared custody works ;)

Also - considering Brigid....I think the streams are getting crossed a bit already, no? =)

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Thanks for the update! That’s a lot of Carol coming... can’t wait!

And I had a similar thought about I Am Groot! If nothing else just to see more and more of those shorts. They reminded me of the Mater shorts from Care. My son loved those; and he really loved Groot. Some pretty intense belly laughs is always the recipe for a bad day haha

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So much coming!

As well as some exciting guest stars!

I'd love to see more of them!

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