Quick (rare) Saturday post, my lambs as I reveal the winner of our little contest yesterday.
Before we get to the answers and the winner, I want to link you guys to a fun Quick Quiz I did on Matthew Rosenberg’s Ideas Don’t Bleed podcast. It’s super fun and super short (like 10 minutes!) listen to me and learn all my favorite and least favorite things (or something)!

Okay, back to business. For those that missed our contest yesterday, here’s the relevant post:
And here’s the answer key!
1. Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
2. Black Panther (T’Challa)
3. Winter Solider (Bucky Barnes) — but I also accepted Gambit (Remy LeBeau) and Northstar — it definitely wasn’t supposed to be Northstar but it totally looks like him, no denying that! :D
4. Wolverine (Logan)
5. Thor
6. Jean Grey
7. Hazmat (Jennifer Takeda)
8. Luke Cage
9. Iron Man (Tony Stark)
10. Daredevil (Matt Murdock) — but I am also accepting Cyclops (Scott Summers) and Wonder Man (Simon Williams) for this gent.
11. She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
12. Spectrum (Monica Rambeau)
13. Jessica Jones
14. Gambit (Remy LeBeau) — but I am also accepting Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) for this charming guy.
15. War Machine (James “Rhodey” Rhodes)
16. Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)
17. The Accuser (Lauri-Ell)
18. Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
19. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
20. Rafael!! (runs the Captain Marvel News Channel)
21. Fernanda!! (runs the Captain Marvel BR News Channel)
22. Wolverine (Laura)
23. Black Widow
24. America (America Chavez)
25. Jeff The Land Shark!
26. Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
27. Polaris (Lorna Dane)
28. Rogue
29. Captain America (Steve Rogers)
Actual winner is a bit tricky. Reader VEE got 100% (29/29), but entered after the contest deadline. Congratulations and also I am sorry.
Reader LORI got 100% (29/29)…sorta. She technically got 28/29, because she accidentally wrote Luke twice — using him on the correct #8 but also listing him as #10 instead of Cyclops. However, she refers to Cyclops earlier in her list as being #10… so her intent is clear. And I’m not a monster or a robot. And as someone that lives and dies by typos (UGH!), I can’t bear to punish someone harshly for one when their intent is clear to me, so I’m giving Lori a prize anyway.
But our OFFICIAL WINNER is…. reader ALEX! Alex’s original entry had a massive 27/29 correct. Well done! I’ll be in touch with you both via email about mailing you your prizes.
And thanks everyone for playing. I might have to bring X-Men War back for the summer! ;D
Also, in case you missed it on Friday, Marvel put up a few preview pages and a nice write up for Captain Marvel #50. All of the art and colors below are by Javier Pina and Yen Nitro coloring; except the cover which is by Carmen Carnero. Captain Marvel #50 is in good comic book stores everywhere June 14th, 2023.
Note: these are not sequential pages.
Okay, I gotta get back to work. I hope you guys have awesome relaxing (or rewarding… or both?) weekends ahead of you.
Hug somebody that needs it. Support striking writers. And if YOU still want or need to wear a mask, keep fucking wearing it, I do. This note brought to you by me finding out a good friend of mine just got Covid after years of being so careful (and Covid free)… it’s really frustrating. Protect yourselves and hang in there everyone. <3
Doh! Not sure how I managed that typo (I have them all written on the image in Photoshop). Thanks, Kelly, this was fun.
I can't believe I won! And congrats to Lori too, well deserved!