Quick post today as I’m burning hard on a couple scripts and I gotta get back to it. But the books, they must come out, which is both a blessing and a curse (though mostly blessing) and so I have this weekend both the preview for BLACK CLOAK #10 (Penultimate issue of the arc!) and also IT’S JEFF: VENOM WAR. Both release THIS WEEK (11/20/24).

I also wanted to give you all a link to that terrific Scott Snyder Writing Class I got to join as a guest this past week. It was a great conversation with Scott and I hope you’ll check it out, especially if you’re aspiring to write something:
I also wanted to give a heads up to folks that haven’t been able to find a copy of ABSOLUTE WONDER WOMAN #1 in stores (seeing a lot of that online!) that I DO still have copies of first print run issues in my webshop. I think the cheapest variant available there is $20, but it’s there for you if you’re still looking for one and don’t want to wait for the 2nd printing — which hits shops 11/27/25 — the same day as ABSOLUTE WONDER WOMAN #2 releases.
Oh! And I’ll be doing a new League of Comic Geeks AMA on Thursday 11/21/24, get your questions in!
IT’S JEFF: VENOM WAR (11/20/24) is a one-shot from me and the incredible Gurihiru — Jeff’s longest print adventure yet! — 30 delicious pages. And Jeff brings along some West Coast Avengers you might have been missing for the ride. It’s a pretty self-contained story and you don’t have to have read the bulk of “Venom War” to understand it.
If these are a bit too lo-res to read here, you can find them here as well.
Today we also have BLACK CLOAK #10 (11/20/24) preview pages. I am formatting the full issue TODAY and it will be up ON TIME on Wednesday AM for all you paid subscribers. Huzzah!
It’s also time to let you guys know that we pushed issue #11 of BLACK CLOAK, last issue of the arc one moth, to January 29th, 2025.
To land it right, Meredith and I felt we needed to add pages, so it will be a bit oversized, and we needed a bit of time to get there. But what she is doing is spectacular. Some of my favorite work she’s done on the entire series. I am honestly just trying to keep up with her.
So here’s the opening to issue 10 — including the characters created by our latest contest winners! And if you’re new here and find yourself interested in BLACK CLOAK, I have re-started our “buy one get one free option” on the BLACK CLOAK VOL. 1 Trade in the webstore (that deal plus the subscriber discount codes in the last newsletter make that quite a deal!) Buy one for yourself, give one to a comics lover you know for the holidays. Everyone wins! Amazing!
All art and colors by Meredith McClaren. Lettering by Becca Carey. Words by me:
Okay. Back to the writing mines for me. I hope you all have a fun or restful weekend, or if you’re very clever, both? <3
Ledra's big debut! What an honor. Wishing you a productive/restful weekend Kelly!