Hey! Though I always love it, I never really get to participate in MerMay so I am very excited this year to get to SORTA participate by debuting the incredible Tula Lotay’s gorgeous variant cover illustration for BLACK CLOAK #1!
Also, before I get into the main event, BLACK CLOAK artist and co-creator Meredith McClaren has an awesome interview up over on Multiversity, it’s a delight (as is she).
And for those of you that are new (hi!!!) or just maybe have not been paying close attention, here’s an updated look at our paid tiers and what you can get by going paid. The little flyer below can give you a quick look at what’s on offer, But click here if you want more details. And feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions (or, if you’re already a paid subscriber feel free to leave your question in the comments). This information (along with other answers) is always available on the ABOUT tab, which does double duty as our FAQ.
Okay, enough of that, back to Tula Lotay and mermaids! First up, her stunning illustration:
And now, integrated with Rian Hughes’ badass cover design:
AND because we are very lucky and Tula is particularly badass and generous lady, she’s given the okay for us to use her “sketch” (ha!) as a possible Clean Dress Variant. I don’t know 100% for sure that we’ll be able to do this, but I also don’t know why wouldn’t be able to do it, so I’m hopeful it will work out!
So, after I prepped this post the news about Roe v Wade came out…or rather the documents got leaked (which is a big deal) and now we all know for certain that we were right all along about what we’re facing here.
My emotions have run the gamut since last night — from righteous anger to desperate hopelessness — but it can’t be hopeless — I KNOW we outnumber the people that want to roll back these rights - I KNOW IT. We just have to get everyone energized and make ourselves heard, I have to believe, it’s too grim without that hope.
So I’ll be doing some donating this week to the people that I think can make a difference here (most likely a combination of elected officials and organizations) and if that’s in your power, please consider doing the same. But we should also be making some calls and letting them know we’re not going to go gentle here. Do what you can, protect those most vulnerable, and watch out for yourselves as well. I’ll be back with more on this soon. Love you guys. <3
*sigh* I’ve been admiring Tula’s art for years and it still just looks so magical to me, every damn time 😍 thank you for sharing something beautiful to help counteract the shitty news a bit. On that note, I’m looking for local/independent orgs I can donate to but also, if you’re comfortable sharing and know some sites that would be good to support that would be great. As a cis-dude, I’m trying to my best to learn, listen and support wherever I can.
Holy cow, what beautiful cover art! But yes, every day the news that comes out just gets darker and more infuriating. Head banging, eye gauging, migraine inducing crap. Just reminds me that a fight is never over. And yes if you hear of any good organizations I’d love to find a way to help in any way possible.