Hey Guys
Before we get to the main attraction here, I have to say something…
Thank you so much — not only for so many of you weighing in on the question I asked in the last newsletter last week — but for such thoughtful and considered responses. It warmed the cold dead cockles of my heart! Truly though, jokes aside, it was incredibly helpful.
The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of doing “full issues” once a month, instead of breaking it up into smaller pieces (last count had that vote in the mid-20s, while the other options were still single digits).
If I’m totally honest, I’m delighted with these results.
We DID do the first finished 50+ pages with the smaller installments in mind — i.e. I wanted it to read smoothly for you guys in smaller chunks so I was cognizant of that while writing. But since I always knew the book was ALSO going to be in print, I was always watching that too — we had to make it read as smoothly as possible for both options.
And without doubt, not worrying about the smaller pieces going forward will make things easier.
It WILL mean that the first three installments (Jan/Feb/Mar) have slightly weird page counts as I had to sort of “re-break” what we’ve already done. But going forward after that we’ll be on a more typical 20+ page installments monthly.
And for the record — after going in and re-breaking the issues into larger chunks, the best new breaks result in this breakdown:
Installment 1 (January) - 17 pages
Installment 2 (February) - 15 pages
Installment 3 (March) - 19 pages
And then from that point forward we’ll have more traditional page counts installments.
The ending to our first installment is a little soft for what I’d want in a monthly book, but I think it’s okay — and it’s also our best option. When we do print we will probably do a big oversized issue 1.
So I’m excited about this development and I can’t thank you guys enough for your great feedback.
And now, to the main attraction. Our final (main) cover to BLACK CLOAK #1 — art by Meredith McClaren and Design by Rian Hughes:
More soon! It’s all getting very very close you guys! Ahhhhhh!
I hope all of you are hanging in there… celebrity deaths alone are proving that 2022 is going hard (what a surprise!)
So let’s hang on and hold each other close when we can. <3
It is digital, baby! Give us a different page count every time!
What an awesome cover: both art and design. I love the main action in the panel and the bubbles going outside the panel, but behind the logo. And the way they were able to sneak a subliminal message in the bubbles ("ROB GRAHAM IS EASILY KELLY'S FAVORITE FAN, NO OFFENSE TO HER MANY OTHER FANS BUT SOMEBODY'S GOTTA WIN AND IT'S DEFINITELY ROB"), that may be my favorite part. Well done. Can't wait for Black Cloak #1!