
My first question (shhh! I don't care if it's cheating!) -- do you know when you transitioned to digital only for your art? What do you think has been the biggest strength and biggest weakness for you in that move?

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Kelly Thompson

Meredith, hi!! First time long time. How did you develop your own style? Every time I try to draw something it always feels like I’m copying someone else! Thanks! (I’ll hang up now and listen on the radio)

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Kelly Thompson

Love process stuff! So cool

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This is less directly about process, but do you have favorite things to draw and least favorite things to draw? As your partner in Black Cloak crime I probably should have asked this question long ago?

I think you told me you'd had enough of horses for a while. lol. A common answer I'd guess among artists.

(And then I made you draw a Centaur. WHOOPS. Sorry!)

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