Kelly, I just chatted with Heather Antos on Twitter about how digital sales aren't counted until way after release for some dumbass reason. Her thread is about how the whole system of making comics (and paying creators, for sure) is a mess.

So I've been digital for a few years, but I'm getting my pull list together and I'll be all floppies pretty damned soon. It's ridiculous that there's a digital revenue stream that the publishers aren't keeping track of.

Hey, now I can get all those variant covers you could never get digital! Whoopee!

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Yeah. It's um. It's a very bad situation.

I don't really know what to tell you other than as comic book creators, we're fucked. All that stuff WGA is going through and fighting for? Most of that stuff (or some similar version of it) is happening/has been happening in comics for decades -- but we have no union to protect and fight for us -- and as freelancers we are so scattered that building a union feels impossible. We're also just different enough that we don't (apparently) fit easily into the existing writers union (WGA).

That said, I too primarily buy digital (yes, in part because I get a lot of comps in addition to comics and so the space fills up even faster -- but even before I was getting comps I switched to digital -- living in Manhattan -- no room -- and I've never gone back). Anyway, I understand people can only do what they can do.

This is an amazing job that nobody in their right mind would do if they knew the details -- but loving comics like we do maybe doesn't leave you in your right mind? Idk? Might be something to that. lol

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After some consideration, I've decided to remain digital, but continue to follow and boost my favorite writers (you should blush now) on social media, and read/buy/trumpet their creator-owned projects, since they get more money from those. I hope. Also, they are good.

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Fair enough!


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May we interview you on our Birds of Prey podcast, Feathers and Foes?

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Of course!

Shoot me an email and we'll set something up: 1979semifinalist @ gmail.

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Bachalo is one of my most favorite artists and all the variants are beautiful. I’m anxious to learn more about some of these characters and see what you can do with the group dynamics. This is gonna be a blast!

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The Bachalo cover has me weeping, Kelly. Weeping. I hope you're happy.

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Great covers. I admit I had to look up Zealot though and at first thought it was Rose Wilson - not too well versed in WildCATs 😄 I’m sure after reading a few issues I’ll be a Zealot...fan. Thanks for creating this and looking forward to it!

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She's an interesting one. I think you'll like her.

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I'll try not to take the one there with Diana too personally! 😅 These all look great.

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Oh my gosh. How excited are you to get a Bachalo cover?!?! They are all so good, but nothing gets me like a cover from Chris.

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Always like Christmas when you realize you're getting a Bachalo!

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I really don't follow news for entertainment, beyond getting the Previews every month & flipping through them. I don't have time to follow social media or follow the publisher's site or interviews, at best I look at these. And I still somehow missed Zealot, although she seems to not like being called that anymore in Wildcats, but I'm thrilled to see her with the other women in this series, I can't wait to see what dynamics there are. Which reminds me, I recently stumbled across an older Avengers story & was surprised to see just how toxic the social interactions were between characters, its wasn't sophisticated or even common & true to life, but more like caricatures of people. Makes me even happier to have more diversity in creators & characters.

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It's funny...the Zealot/Zannah thing is fascinating to me. Because Zealot is such a cool word and feels like a great codename...but the meaning...it's obvious why Zealot is probably not a fan. We address this (a little bit) in our book too -- her not wanting to be called Zealot/preferring Zannah.

Yes, I find a lot of the older stuff stiff and awkward and not terribly relatable. You always hope that won't be YOUR stuff in 20-30 years...but I can only do what I can do!

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Bachalo cover. Sold

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That Bachalo {{swooon}}

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A whole pile of us, passed out unconscious.

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Zealot!?!? What a cool direction. I can't wait to read this!

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I think the thanks there is going in the TOTALLY wrong direction. Thank you, for making more interesting reading!

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I can't even comprehend interactions between Harley and Z. I mean ... wow.

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Thank you!

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I want one of those covers, but I don't my lcs will get 100. I'm so pumped for this team up.

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I should have some for sale in my shop if you can't find them.

I haven't done an issue with DC yet to fully understand that aspect, but as far as I know, they are much better at giving more comps -- so hopefully I'll have some options for you!

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This has been the most fun rollout of a comic EVER. And it was such a successful marketing strategy. I know it was labor intensive, but please know that your labor was very much appreciated and I'm glad you get to rest now. :)

I love this line up. Zealot was a surprise! I was thinking Red Canary or Katana. I love these covers, especially the one with Wonder Woman (and I hope that means she's making a guest appearance)!

Good luck to you Ms. Thompson. Wishing you all the success in the world.

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Thank you!

It worked VERY well, we were all very pleased with the results/response.

Which was especially great since it's my first outing with DC. :D

I hope you'll love it!

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badass. Those covers look fantastic and I'm looking forward to reading it. Also, meant to say it earlier this week--sorry!--but time got away from me but congratulations on the new series! That's cool as hell. I don't know much about Barda or Zealot but I'm looking forward to finding out. :D

My niece will also be super excited about the line up, so i'll just go ahead and add this to my pull list twice.

The title art on Chris Bachalo's cover is super cool. Is that the official title art for the series?

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Thank you!

I think you'll like them both (but especially Barda) ;D

I am pretty sure that title block IS the official title block!

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sure thing!

sweet. can't wait to get to know some new characters and now especially Barda. :D

that's excellent. definitely one of the coolest title block I've seen in a while. it would be a super cool desktop background

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Art is, of course, subjective. Unsurprisingly, the styles of certain artists work for me and the styles of other artists don't.

Leonardo Romero's art WORKS FOR ME. <3 <3 <3

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He's also just SUCH a smart storyteller.

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I absolutely can't wait to see his interiors and marvel (ahem) at the storytelling choices he makes.

And you know what else I would love? If and only if you have time/feel like it, I'd love to read your take on each of these characters. Like, what speaks to *you* about each one. What you think makes them tick. That's a general wish of mine: not just for Birds of Prey but for some of your past books (e.g., Black Widow, Captain Marvel) and your current creator-owned works (Black Cloak, Cull). (You already did some of this for Black Cloak in the run up to the premiere, if I recall correctly.)

Again, this is kind of a pie-in-the-sky request, so only pursue it if you think it would make a good Substack article or something. Many thanks!

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That's a great idea for a future post. It's hard to talk too much about the birds prior to the first issue -- but I could do a post not long after it releases -- and I could certainly do them for other projects. Great idea. Thanks, Rob.

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What a squad!!! Such an pre-order, of course 😎

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Thanks, Damon! <3

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