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No hyperbole that answer is FIVE BILLION TIMES BETTER THAN THE ACTUAL ANSWER. Keep in mind this is a dumbass teenage Kelly that was also VERY SERIOUS SOMETIMES.

Second clue! These rip-off X-Men I made were not teen characters but what I perceived the X-Men to be - i.e. mostly cool 20-somethings.

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Your novels are worth pushing, IMO.

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Thank you. I agree. I'm seeing what I can do. <3

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Dying to know what comes next in Story Killer, but also immensely intrigued about the twins at the end of TGWWBK. 😫

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Thanks, Jacki. I hope I get to tell both stories. But Storykiller definitely has the edge right now for a variety of reasons.

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OK so we have the team or never or…. toast. Let’s go: The Never Trusted, Team of Not Teens, The Night Team, Turner Network Team

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I am so angry that it wasn't TURNER NETWORK TEAM which is fucking hilarious. None of these are right...but TEAM is one of the three words.

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How about another clue? Something in the style of "foods that end in amburger".

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Okay. Second clue. One of the remaining words is a synonym for "whole"

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Totally Nuclear Team, Totally Necessary Team, Totally Neurotic Team, Total Nonsense Team

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You're getting very close. Total and Team are correct. Nuclear is wrong but in the right direction I think...vibe-wise? Aka super over the top and ridiculous. :D

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Looks like I'm the only still guessing. Nefarious, Nihilistic, Nonconformist, Nonchalant, Nocturnal, Nebulous, Narcissistic...

I literaly googled "over the top words that start with n"

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Okay, thanks for the clues. It's obviously...





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I'm not sure NIFTY goes with being OVERLY SERIOUS AND DRAMATIC.

Remember, we're talking about someone who UNIRONICALLY named something JUSTICE 2022 back then. ;D

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I was just going to make a joke guess about what T.N.T. stands for, but then I used some deductive reasoning and I actually figured it out! First of all, I thought back to what was going on in the world when you would have been creating T.N.T. As I'm sure you recall (since it clearly influenced your writing), there was serious pushback against certain societal traditions and norms at the time. Especially against the accepted practice of heating sliced bread to the point where it became brown and crispy. Thus, TEAM NEVER TOAST was born.

Please send my original sketch cover to:

The World's Greatest Detective

P.O. Box 123

Anytown, USA 12345-6789

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Definitely wrong. BUT you do have one of the three words right! ;D

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I would very much like to subscribe to your newsletter where you document your travels around the world solving the until-now unsolvable mysteries of the world.

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I was seriously going to guess what Ed guessed ... so either I'm a genius or ... 🤷‍♀️

But now I'm in mourning for all the pouches that never were!

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I cannot believe you guys had the same guess. And that it's actually pretty good. Instead of the real answer which is insane and dumb and VERY dramatic.

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Ooohhh, now I'm thoroughly intrigued! Ok, I need to put on my thinking cap for a bit. 🤔

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I love your novels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have read both. They are in my "Get signed by Kelly One Day" stack

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Thanks, Gary! Means a lot. And I do sign people's comics that they send to me in the mail so long as they include an SASE - we could probably make that work for books too if you're interested!

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That would be awesome. Just let me know what to do!!!!

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Shoot me an email after the holidays: 1979semifinalist@gmail.com and we'll figure out the logistics.

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Will do! I hope you have a great holiday!!!

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I have another guess but I fully recognize that I'm standing on the shoulder of giants (a.k.a., Liron Hallak). So, if it happens to be correct, I don't think I've earned any No-Prizes. It's just for fun and curiosity at this point.

*drum roll*

Total Nightmare Team...?

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Not right, and still better than the real answer! Check today's post for the answer!

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