Well well well. If it isn’t the consequences of our own actions…
…of making amazing comics!
Yeah, that’s right I’m talking about us picking up FIVE Eisner Nominations this year. FIVE! We got nominated for THE CULL, BLACK CLOAK, BIRDS OF PREY, JEFF: THE JEFFVERSE, and I also picked up a BEST WRITER nod. You can see all the nominees (and a pretty funny headline) here.
So feeling pretty over the moon over here, obviously, and I hope you guys are too, because while I know it sounds a bit dramatic — the nominations of BLACK CLOAK and THE CULL specifically — are books that just don’t exist without this Substack.
And yes, a lot of that is about the funding, but that’s not all of it, not by a long shot, and I hope you guys know this. So thank you. Thank you to all of you, for your support and encouragement, your understanding for when things weren’t (aren’t!) going perfectly, and mostly for loving and supporting great comics. <3
Lastly, a shout out to all the nominees. I am honored, as always, to be in the company of so many incredibly talented creators and their fantastic comics.
We haven’t gotten to use the NEWS banner in a while (I’m usually too far behind to be posting anything resembling real “news” I think).
However, DC’s August Solicits dropped today and you can see from the covers and solicit that BIRDS OF PREY #12 is gonna be something… special….
But you can also see that the guest artist for this issue is SOPHIE CAMPBELL! That’s right, the long awaited re-uniting of me and Sophie on some comics and I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED. I have promised to not draw any Motor Cycles or Ferris Wheels in the issue.
In other somewhat related news, I’ve been doing a bunch of podcasts and interviews due to the release of THE CULL trade, upcoming SCARLETT release (June 5th!), and the POWERPUFF GIRLS announcement — so bear with me — and maybe you find your new favorite podcast too? It could happen!
Under the paywall at the bottom is a new discount code for the webstore — get your EISNER NOMINATED SIGNED COMIC BOOKS RIGHT HERE! — y’know?
But also, if you already placed an order recently… I’m sorry you don’t have it yet. Things have been messy over here — but I’ve almost finished with the last batch and it should go out Monday at the latest.
I’ve also been slowly working on those ORIGINAL SKETCH COVERS — for paid (yearly and up) backers monthly contest drawings. The covers tend to not turn out well if I rush — so I’m trying to take it slow. But I’m sorry it’s taking so long. I haven’t drawn for the winners yet, but because we’re so delayed there should be like nine or ten of you. Which feels sort of exciting. lol
I don’t have anything yet to show on Powerpuff Girls, but I do have a few peeks at BIRDS OF PREY #10, SCARLETT #1, and even BLACK CLOAK #7!
BIRDS OF PREY #10 (June) has art by Robbi Rodriguez and colors by Jordie Bellaire. Something about Barda’s eyes in this shot has me IN LOVE. <3
And we really lucked out having Robbi design two new characters for this arc. Our big time-traveling-Birds-of-Prey-hating villain, and also this new character CELA. And I’m not saying she’s your new fav, but yeah she is:
SCARLETT #1 (June). Art by Marco Ferrari and colors by Lee Loughridge.
Snow Gear, Ninjas, and Lots of Blood, OH MY.
BLACK CLOAK #7. Boy I have missed working on this book. LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUSNESS! For the uninitiated, BLACK CLOAK (nominated for an Eisner this week!) is drawn and colored by Meredith McClaren. And the webstore currently has a “buy one get one free” on the collected trade! ;D
Okay. I gotta get back to work. Thank you all for everything. And I hope you all have weekends as great as mine is shaping up to be!
Hug someone who needs it.
Those of you paid subscribers — don’t forget the webstore discount code after the cut. <3