Quick and dirty post today because I told y’all I thought we had new IT’S JEFF last week, but instead we got it this week. So make sure to check that out if you’ve been reading along. I’m not sure if this means we get one strip every two weeks or what…but if I’m honest…there are only 12 “episodes” like last season, so parsing them out more slowly is not a bad idea! Anyway, check it out on Marvel Unlimited and brighten your weekend before it even begins!
Oh! And I don’t know if this has been officially released yet, but I saw it floating around Twitter, so I figure it’s fair game — this is the third of the Jeff Variant covers for October — this one (like the Captain Marvel) by the great Gurihiru. So freaking cute:
To make sure I’m not wasting your time, I’m going to load y’all up with Sneak Peeks in just a minute. But first check out these cute cats from a phone game I was trying to play to lower my stress. It’s very very extremely cute, but I don’t actually find it un-stressful, so I probably won’t play it for long. It’s called CATS & SOUP and the aesthetic is freaking adorable.
It’s hardly a game really (although there are A LOT of these kind of games out there) — you just have these little cats (you start with one and earn more as you go) and they just…continually make soup. And later some of them make juice instead of soup. Aome of them stir the pots and pour, others chop carrots, shred cabbage, crack nuts, and do whatever that thing is called that you do to corn to get all the corn of the cob.
You can give them fish and little outfits and shit, which makes them happier and/or more productive. And they also have relaxing areas. Although the two cats that stir and pour the soup and juice never get breaks…and so I find myself doing job shifts to make sure these digital cats get rest and play time like the other cats…and…wait…WHEN DID I BECOME SHIFT MANAGER OF THE CATS MAKE SOUP COMPANY?!
You see what I mean? Cute, yes. But WHY is this considered un-stressful. I can barely manage my existing job — why do I want to add Shift Manager that is VERY concerned about cats that don’t even exist and soup that nobody can eat?
Anywhere here are my cats so far (you can tell that I was hungry when I named some of them):
Yes. Jessica is wearing a full frog suit. She likes it. Let’s not talk about it.
Here’s some of them working on the soup (even at night! they work so hard!):
And here’s a better shot of Peter using the “trampoline”:
There are a few spots they can relax in — under a tree with a radio, on the trampoline, and in the flower patch. Here’s Jessica (in her frog suit) in the flower patch:
Anyway, it’s supposed to relax you I guess, but since I find it compulsively UN-RELAXING, I wanted to show off the cuteness before I deleted it all. If it’s your kind of thing I definitely recommend the aesthetic. Cuteness is off the charts. And if you’re patient (I am not) then it’s also free. Woo!
And now let’s kick this weekend off with a bang and some…
From CAPTAIN MARVEL #42 (October) art by Andrea Di Vito, colors by Nolan Woodard, lettering by Clayton Cowles:
From CAPTAIN MARVEL #43 (November) art by Sergio Davila - Carol and Laura tearing shit up!:
From a future IT’S JEFF by Gurihiru (October?):
From the next BLACK CLOAK chapter (October):
From THE CULL #1 — I hope I haven’t showed this one yet — it’s getting hard to keep track! (I DO have a system, but it is far from fool/Kelly proof).
Okay. That’s it. I hope you all have better Friday night’s than I have planned — or maybe you’ve already finished enjoying them. Either way, here’s to the weekend. May you do your best with it!
The empathy for M.O.D.O.K. in this week's It's Jeff was so sweet.
brb gonna collect all the Gurihiru Jeff variants now! 😜 Ah they’re sooo good! Can’t wait for more of our favorite Landshark AND all of your new books next month. October gonna be a blast!