An editor that I adore and am desperate to work with just sent me an email that included “proof of life” in it and boy oh boy is that the state of things.
I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you guys a bit. As most of you know things have been a little rough in this transitional year as I moved to some creator-owned and allotted a bunch of time to Substack and then got hit with a heavy tax bill just on the heels of the writer’s strike. Blah blah blah. Right? The gist is, things have been rough and I’m still struggling to fight my way out.
And I appreciate all of you — not only bearing with me — but being so supportive and kind — as I do that. Thank you.
I’m more caught up on scripts than I’ve been in a while (ever?), but I’m still really behind on finishing a couple super important pitches and I’ve just GOT to keep my head down until I get that done.
But I’ll be back next week with some better updates — including some deeper dive posts I’ve been working on.
But I wouldn’t jump into your in-boxes just for excuses. So here are some sneak peeks, an incredibly cool new THE CULL process video, a link to a fun Rogue interview I did, new Connections, and behind the paywall a webstore coupon for paid subscribers only.
But before all of that — between ebay and the webstore — one fan managed to get 3 of the 10 sketch covers I did recently, and felt that they were being too greedy, so approached me about returning one to go back in the webstore. I agreed that this was a great idea (so long as they were okay with it) and I have put that sketch cover back up in the webstore. There is only one (but it is one of my favorites) — so run quick if you want to snap it up before anyone else!
Filmmaker Mattia Muccichini made an awesome new reel for us that focuses more on Mattia’s process on THE CULL and it’s SO COOL:
A few months back I got to talk with The Women of Marvel Podcast all about Rogue and it was a delight. They got a bunch of different Rogue “experts” to weigh in, so it’s very fun.

I’ve got Sneak Peeks of IT’S JEFF Season 3 below, but if you’ve been dying for more IT’S JEFF in PRINT — remember that the Season 2 collection releases NEXT WEEK 11/1/23 and includes a new two-page story from me and Gurihiru!
Here’s a link to the preview. Again, I’m pretty impressed with the job Marvel’s production team did in re-working these for print, which is harder than it looks. There are three terrific covers on offer:
These are out next week and I will have a few in my shop next week — hopefully followed by a few more when comps arrive later, but I won’t have A LOT so if you’re hoping to get a signed one — keep your eyes peeled next week. I’ll definitely announce in the newsletter when it’s loaded up to the webstore.
Oh! I made you guys another Connections puzzle since you all seem to be enjoying them.
You can play the puzzle here.
And as was decided by earlier voting, answers will go up in the next post. But feel free to throw comments/whatevers up in the comments! Good luck! ;D
Sneak peeks of things coming soon!
THE CULL #4. Art and Colors all by Mattia De Iulis. Lettering by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. Out in November.
Truly one of my favorite shots from the whole run. Just masterful. Mattia is a wonder!
And my Luxy, always highly relatable. ;D
IT’S JEFF Season 3 is running now on Marvel Unlimited. The first strip of the new season (one of my favs from this season) “Jet-Set-Jeff” went up last week and strip #2 “Self-Cleaning” went up today — both by me and GURIHIRU.
And here are a couple shots from the four episodes that NAO FUJI is drawing this season:
Working on Jeff is so much fun. Honestly, ALL of my projects right now — Jeff, Birds of Prey, Black Cloak, The Cull, (and some secret things I can’t say) are some of my favorite projects I’ve ever done and some of the most fun I’ve had.
I was doing the final proofing on BIRDS OF PREY #4 (DEC) this week and my god I love that issue you guys. It’s very heavy on fight scenes as the proverbial shit hits the fan and so it sort of rotates between all the fights going on on the island and MY GOD I LOVE IT. Leo and Jordie are an utter delight together. BUT before we get to issue 4 we have to deal with issue three, which, big surprise, I ALSO LOVE WITH MY WHOLE STUPID HEART. I mean LOOK AT THISSSSSS:
Sometimes you’re just excited that you can get away with little jokes. ;D
And sometimes you just wonder how Leo can do SO MUCH in one small panel. Masterclass.
And this. This tiny little panel! Look at the detail! Why is Barda so cute tromping through the jungle like this?! It’s all TOO GOOD!
Okay, enough, enough. I gotta get back to work and I’m sure you do too! Or maybe you have to escape work for home. Whatever it is…do it!