Hey Guys
So I’ve got a couple big (hopefully mostly fun?) posts coming next week as I catch up here post back injury, sickness (woo!), and random Portland snow storm that left us snowed in for a couple days. Fun! Sorta!
Anyway, there’s lots to update you all on for BLACK CLOAK, THE CULL, and ALL of the shipping stuff — so expect more on all of that shortly.
But real quick today, since the FOC (Final Order Cut Off) for comic shops on the first IT’S JEFF collected print edition is MONDAY 2/27/22, I wanted to remind everyone to call their shops to make sure they’re getting Jeff. Because Jeff is so unique among monthly comics, I do honestly expect it to sell out, so I advise locking one down in advance if you can.
The actual issue releases 3/29/23, but you gotta tell your shop you want it by MONDAY 2/27.
There’s also, as you can see there in the image above, a JEFF POSTER! You should tell your shop ASAP if you want it as the FOC on those has already passed, and they may be tough to snag. I’ll put them in my shop if I get any, but historically if I get a poster comp it’s only one. I also featured the covers larger in this post if you’d like to look more closely before you commit to which beauty you want — just scroll a bit!
Before I get into the content of IT’S JEFF some more — I’ve been doing some twitter posts to try to get people hyped up to try to make Jeff outsell a big mainstay title like Batman or Spider-Man in March because that would be really fun and hilarious:
I THOUGHT this print edition might be collecting both seasons of the Marvel Unlimited IT’S JEFF comics, but it’s only season 1 — which I actually think is great because then maybe we can get a second issue for “season 2” — either later this year or maybe next year (and maybe someday a big hardcover collection if we do enough? A girl can dream!) Plus — collecting the original 12 stories PLUS the two new super shorts (see below) is plenty!
So this is 48-pages (floppy/saddle stapled), full color. And it includes all of Season 1 of IT’S JEFF from the Marvel Unlimited (digital service) — and also an all-new 2-page short, AND Gurihiru’s one-page “baking short” that you may have seen floating around (even here) but which has never been published on MU or print. So that’s fun.
And as mentioned, we’ve got three variant covers to choose from. First up is the absolutely adorable GOAT Gurihiru main cover:
And we got this super cute variant from Ron Lim that references some literal stories from Seasons one and two.
And this Doaly variant that just blows my mind in all the best ways. Such a fun take that is VERY the spirit of Jeff IMO:
Speaking of Jeff… I just got a comp of the GWENPOOL OMNIBUS in the mail and I didn’t even know we were in this! It released back in December 2022 I believe and all 10-issues of WEST COAST AVENGERS — including Jeff’s FIRST APPEARANCE EVER IN COMICS — are collected here with the full (and fully excellent) Hasting/Gurihiru GWENPOOL run and some other cool stuff. It’s honestly pretty always cool to see your stuff oversized in an omnibus — and while they may be impractical to read for long boy do they look serious on the shelf. Anyway, if you’re into the Omnibus thing, the GWENPOOL OMNIBUS — with much adorable Jeff content! — is out now in comic shops everywhere.
AND if you ARE into the Omnibus thing, the first (?) of my CAPTAIN MARVEL omnibuses (omnibusi?) is out this spring — 5/3/23 for the Volume 1 I believe? Order codes for both the Jorge Molian main cover or the Alex Ross Variant below:
Obviously us getting a second volume depends a bit on the first one selling well, so I don’t want to say buy it, but if you’re into it, yeah, go ahead and get this puppy. I haven’t seen her yet, but I hope she’ll be glorious. <3
Okay. Back to the writing mines with me. It is very dark in here (the writing mines) lately — but I. WILL. DIG. OUT. (and I appreciate your patience and support as I do so).
Talk soon!
God all of this art is so CUTE
I just finished reading the latest Double Trouble to my 5-YO and a certain land shark is featured on the last page. My 5-YO would like to request that in a future It's Jeff comic, we see how Jeff got himself out of that particular predicament!