Quick post today to show off two cool #BlackCloak things and also a little housekeeping update. Let’s start with the boring but important stuff first:
So, as promised last month, I went ahead and manually extended all Yearly and Founding Subscribers for an additional 90 Days free. Because I had to do this by hand, and even though I was very careful, it’s possible someone got missed. If you find Substack renews you when you think you should have been comped, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll figure it out.
Hopefully I got everyone and everything is nice and smooth!
But you should also know that, while I have not yet figured out exactly what the shape of our Year 2 is here on the ol’ stack, I went ahead and lowered the monthly and yearly subscriber levels from $7/monthly and $70 yearly to $5/monthly and $50/yearly.
Whenever any automatic renewals DO kick in after this month, they will kick in for EVERYONE at the lowered rates. If that doesn’t happen for you, please let me know and we’ll figure it out.
I have also deleted the Founders Tier for Year 2. All Founders from Year 1 WILL receive all physical/print rewards as promised, but going forward (at least for Year 2) I’m doing away with physical rewards. This is, after all, a digital newsletter and I feel it should remain as such for the most part. That said, a HUGE THANK YOU to all our Year 1 Founders. You’re the absolute rock stars of this Substack and I hope each of you sells one of your two extra rare signed copies of Black Cloak #1 for a billion dollars on Ebay next year when they arrive. ;D
Speaking of Founders…let’s get to the good stuff!
I just got back the Founders Only Mini Print for Black Cloak — and because Meredith and I love you guys an extra lot — and we also love foil, because who doesn’t love foil?! — we sprung for some gold foil on these puppies. They turned out emo and gorgeous aka just perfect:
Most likely you Founders will be getting these in January 2023 when I send out your signed rare Black Cloak #1 Print Editions (and any contest winnings). But I’ll be in touch with each of your for your shipping addresses closer to that date.
I can also show off the final cover for BLACK CLOAK #4 (print) — illustration by Meredith McClaren, book design by Rian Hughes:
AND I can also officially announce that we’ve signed our contracts with Image and we’re officially on the schedule. Look for the (triple sized!) BLACK CLOAK #1 from Image everywhere comics are sold — January 11, 2023.
It’s nice to have it official. We already turned in all our stuff for Previews and I’ll share more news as it comes in. But I am very excited about this. Except for the single issue I got to write for Michael Walsh’s excellent SILVER COIN series, this is my FIRST book with Image. It’s a big deal and I owe both you all and Substack a huge thank you for helping get me here. <3
So thanks for all your support guys, it has meant the world.
Back to the horrible to do list for me. Enjoy your Sundays. And look for something fun coming tomorrow! :D
What fantastic news! I love being able to read this story- and I’m really looking forward to reading it again in hand as well. (Call me old school, but the print just feels- right)
Congrats on an awesome first year, and I know I’m not alone in saying that it was awesome, and we’re all proud to be here!
That's so exciting. I can't wait to get these in print!