I know I said we were out of character designs to show off from BLACK CLOAK but I was very wrong!

I had forgotten about a couple Meredith did a while back AND I neglected to post a new one that came in around the same time she designed Sashenka (perhaps the Sashenka design was just too powerful and overwhelmed all my senses?)
Anyway, let’s check them out!
Renna is ELF Class. But not a Royal. She was friends with Freyal and Dace and works at a club in The Heights called CRUX. Eagle-eyed among you may recognize her from a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance in a previous issue.
In fact. Let’s make this fun. A REAL LIFE PRIZE to the first person that finds Renna in one of the previous 4 Chapters and identifies her correctly in the comments section to this post — you have to be a paid subscriber to comment — wins.
I think to win you have to give us in your comment:
The Chapter number (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Page and Panel number
A VERY brief description of her appearance - just a sentence really.
The prize will be something like an original sketch (by me) or a signed comic with a sketch in it — something like that. Your prize will be mailed to you — no charge for shipping — and I’ll go ahead and say OKAY to International entries/shipping — even though it’s a wallet killer. *crying wallet emoji* ← someone should invent this btw.
Ividor is ELF Class. A Royal and the Queen’s Right Hand Man (and Master Magician) for literal decades. A stern taskmaster, he’s all business and loyal to a fault. Incredibly talented and old as dirt. He’s been through several wars including the last big one that “ended all wars” and very much feels he’s seen all there is to see.
Spoiler alert, Ividor: You Haven’t!
Lyandor is ELF Class. The second in command to Ividor for literal decades, he has been one of the Queen’s most trusted Master Magicians for all that time. Though much younger than Ividor, he’s still one of the older Elves left in the world, his age slightly blunted perhaps by his non-threatening physical presence. He has a much friendlier vibe, compared to Ividor’s more “taskmaster energy,” but he’s not to be underestimated just because he’s slightly cuddly. He’s one of the best magicians in the world and he answers to only two people — Ividor and The Queen.
Phinneas is DRACONA Class. One of the highest born royals. Phinneas (and his son Devaki) are two of the highest placed Dracona in the city. They are considered wise and reasonable, and the likely heirs to the throne if the Elves lose control and the Humans don’t take it by force. They’ve been playing a long subtle game of politics, all the while saying they’re not interested in the throne… but is that actually true? And if not, why?
Devaki is DRACONA Class. Like his father, a royal of the highest order. Also like his father, he is considered by most to be kind, reasonable, and wise, perhaps DESPITE his station. Devaki has spent his whole life trying to be prepared and capable of taking the throne should it be necessary, but it’s not something he (or his father) wants for either of them. Plenty of others do want it however — both other Dracona, who would like their class to “ascend” to higher levels of power — and also many citizens that are weary of Elf rule but fear a Human one. Humans are largely considered the most clever and industrious of all the Kiros classes, but also the most ambitious and ruthless. Many fear it is only a matter of time before they take over simply due to their superior numbers.
Okay, that’s it for new characters! I think that really may be our last character design dump! Which is both cool and slightly sad. I wish I could just pay Meredith to design characters and build worlds every day forever. She’s so good at it and it brings me such joy. Honestly.
All right. Let us know what you think of these guys and don’t forget to get your RENNA Contest Entry in the comments below!
And take care of yourselves this week. There’s a lot lot lot to be upset about right now, we gotta just… I don’t know… hold it together. <3
Great designs!
Book 4
Page 12 (or 14 if you include the cover as one?)
On the suspect board.