I did a double jinx on myself with this one, guys. And you might think those would cancel each other out, ALAS, NO.
Double jinx? I can hear you asking.
Well, first I promised you last time that I’d make sure you guys had this issue in the morning the day of release. FIRST JINX.
Then I was doing a podcast on Tuesday and specifically mentioned to the podcaster that FINALLY I was going to be on time for you guys this week. DOUBLE JINX.
Guess what happened then?
That night… literally WHILE I was working on the files I had some kind fatal hardware failure on my (NOT EVEN THREE YEARS OLD) Mac Laptop.
So that kicked off about 24 hours of trying to repair/recover/replace. And then (after you have to replace it for $$$$, because o course I did) all the extra time trying to get your machine back to some semblance of normalcy — programs downloaded, data uploaded, blah blah blah.
Fortunately, the raw BLACK CLOAK files are well backed up (beyond my puny machine) but I still had to re-do all the prep work to get us ready to upload.
Anyway, we’re circling back to normalcy, and a full… 28-ish hours late, we’re here. Apologies again — for the delays and for sounding like a broken record.
If you’re a paid subscriber and you want to refresh your memory about our last chapter you can read it here: ISSUE EIGHT. OR if you’re all new to BLACK CLOAK you can become a paid subscriber and read ALL of BLACK CLOAK here if you’d like, anytime (as well as THE CULL). Or if you’d rather not subscribe, you could head to the webstore and pick up the first gorgeous TPB.
As always art and colors by Meredith McClaren, letters by Becca Carey, and cover/logo design by Rian Hughes.
Thanks to all of you. I’m so happy we’re getting to do this second arc and it absolutely would not be possible without your support. <3
If you’re a paid backer looking to download the issue, it’s at the bottom so that we can give a teaser to free readers.
Okay, LET’S GO!