And The Hits Just Keep On Comin'
(great title considering the last post was "Proof of Life" right?)
As all of you know this has been an exciting and interesting but wildly stressful year over in House 1979 Semi-Finalist.
I won’t bore you with all we’ve already been through. But just as we felt like we were poised to get things TOGETHER.
Adam ended up in the ER last week and it turned out to be pretty serious. He’s now had a procedure and is back home with me and cats and he’s doing so much better.
But I don’t think I have to explain that as a result things have been extra chaotic and stressful and confusing and um… not great over here. lol.
We’re pulling ourselves back together, but talk about two steps forward, one thousand steps back. I mean, christ on a bike!
Anyway. If you are waiting for an order you placed — and a bunch of you are — first of all — THANK YOU FOR THE ORDER — second — I apologize for the delay. But I’ve been working on them this week in small batches and they should all go out by Monday. Shoot me an email if that’s an issue or if you’re concerned. And thank you again for your patience.
All right, let’s do a quick check in on the comics side of things and then I’m gonna bail on you guys and get back to work so that maybe next week we can get back on schedule… or at least closer to it!
Last week while Adam and I were at the hospital. IT’S JEFF: THE JEFFVERSE #1 landed in print. If you missed it, please consider picking it up. I will say, IT’S JEFF in print form makes a GREAT GIFT. Delighted smiles everywhere, I promise. ;D
And if you missed the first volume, Marvel did a THIRD printing of that just a couple weeks ago — so you might be able to find it out in the wild. Both books are available on my webstore — but in very limited quantities (and you can probably find it cheaper elsewhere as I only get a few comps and so I price them a bit higher).
Both last week and this week there were new IT’S JEFF Season 3 episodes on Marvel Unlimited too… well, I think… it seems my subscription has been cancelled by Marvel… again. Good times! Grumble Grumble.
THIS WEEK. My beautiful Birds debuted their third issue — BIRDS OF PREY #3 is in good comic book stores everywhere (and it’s also on Comixology if you don’t have a shop near you). It is also available in my webstore — including some of the rare variant covers. Here are a couple of my favorite smaller moments, fairly low on spoilers:

And NEXT WEEK….THE CULL #4 debuts in shops and Comixology and of course on HERE for all you paid subscribers. THE CULL #4 is ALSO now available in the webstore, but if you order it, please know it will likely arrive AFTER Wednesday.
And I don’t think we’ve every shown these off all connected yet — the first four (of five) Tula Lotay connecting variants for THE CULL. So pretty! Issue 3’s Kaite is still my favorite of all the Lotay covers, but I love them all so much. We’re so lucky! <3
Okay, it’s back to work with me — it’s a scripts, pitches, and store orders weekend for me (but hopefully I’ll squeeze The Killer in there at some point — always happy to have new Fincher in my life!) — and I hope all of you have a couple days off and some joy or at least some rest and kindness headed your way. <3
Thanks for being excellent and having endless patience with me.
I can't believe I missed out on getting the Jeff-Verse book from you! I almost bought all three the other day but held out on the main cover so I could get it from you ;p I'm pretty sure I can still score one elsewhere, c'est la vie!!
That said, I did score some great action from a Midtown Comics 75% off sale last week, including: the David Aja cover of Amazing Spider-man vol. 5 #77, the Sara Pichelli cover of ASM #91, the Adi Granov cover of Captain Marvel vol. 9 #6, Mark Brooks' spot color virgin variant of CM #12, Boss Logic's virgin variant of CM #16, and last but not least, the Juann Cabal Stormbreaker variant of CM #25!!! Whew!
Healing thoughts!
And you rock!
Do what you gotta do, yo!